Tuning 1.9 grande punto mjet mods

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Tuning 1.9 grande punto mjet mods


New member
Jul 13, 2008
Hey guys, i apologise in advance because this question has probably been asked so many times but ive only just got to grips with this site and now looking at using all your knowledge to help me on my way. Basically im looking at buying a 1.9 mjet and wanting to do uprate the performance, intercooler, exhaust, remap etc. but i just wanted to know the basic parts im going to need to do this so i can price up and also any extra parts i might need to change to do this, also looking to drop it a bit lower so any ideas on what kind of springs/ coilies i should go for?? and any other ideas that would increase performance would be great :)

thank you in advance
Personally id stick to Eibach sportlines. I had KW coilovers in my 1.9. When screwed down any lower than about 45mm there was an awful vibration through the car. I now have the sportlines in and have no trouble at all.

I cant really comment on an exhaust etc. But ive had my car remapped since basically brand new and I have been very impressed with it. The m-jets remap pretty well usually 180 bhp+
Nope, I would have liked a red dot remap but being in Northern Ireland made that rather difficult. Didn't fancy paying for the boat or flights for someone to come over etc.

Got it done by a company called Torque Tronix, pretty well known company over here. Ive been very happy with it, done 34k with it remapped and no trouble as yet, and I do drive pretty hard sometimes (y)
cheers guys, will have a look i did hear about the sportlines so will look in to them further, have you guys just remapped with out doing anything else like exhaust or intercooler?

The majority of Remaped MJET's are running just the Map, (Me, ffoxy, BeanyBot etc etc) there are one or two with GSR Induction or Forge Induction (Adamcot,grande_bolt) and grande_bolt also has a Forge Intercooler.

What part of the Country are you from?
ahh right i see, perhaps thats what i will do then, im from near bristol any ideas on best place to go from here?