Technical 1.8 with defective MAF sensor?

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Technical 1.8 with defective MAF sensor?


New member
May 3, 2009
hello everyone, i have a problem with my 1.8 stilo. i have the "Engine Fault" light on and it doesn't run as it should... it hardly reaches 4000 rpm in gear. what could be the problem? I don't have rpm's fluctuations at idle mode... On the tester it gave me that i have o faulty air flow meter...

excuse me for my bad english! Thanks in advance!

edit: 2 pics with the air flow meter. does anyone knows were i can by a new or a used one?


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on 1.8 maf/map (gm i’ve never actually seen my map sensor?! Where is it?) is part of the throttle body (and it is only sold with the throttle body.. ouch) ensure there are no wiring faults first unless you've 450 quid to spare.. you may wish to check output from the sensor too.. fairly easy to do (not that i would at this point i'd run to someone from the electronics department..)
maf itself though can be contaminated very easily (it is a thin hot wire.. road muck, oil, grime, etc. can cote it hence changing its signal.. less air over the sensor.. wrong signal to ecu..) try cleaning it first (use search – i’ve given instructions for 1.8 before.. else use the 1.6 guide for intake flap cleaning (or this sensor is already off? Just give it a good clean using alcohol spray and put it back in once it dries)
thanks for the tips! but i allready tried the things you suggested (if i disconnect the maf and no improvement). it could be another problem? not the maf???
can anyone who has a 1.8 stilo take a picture with the throttle body, where the maf sensor is located, to help me check that the wires are correctly solded to the plug. thanks again for the quick replyes.
sorry dude - can’t do at the moment (headache.. car is too far..) BUT if it worked before then obviously it is wired up properly.. and obviously if you get no dif by disconnecting it then either it doesn’t work or you’ve a break in the wiring somewhere ?! gm this is interesting – it might tempt me to take a picture (tomorrow.. if no one’s done it by then.. as you can pull up a wiring diagram of off eLearn)
can anyone help me with the picture of the maf sensor (i am interested in the order and colour of the wires that are conected to the plug)? thx
oh bugger forgot all about it :( will be checking oil tomorrow morning and will take a snap (if i don't forget again?! getting old)
Is it really built into the throttle body?

never had a car like that before, most have a tube section you can remove between the throttle body and the air filter with it in.

Saying that i cant speak for stilos as mine doesnt even have one, i dont know how that works :confused: