Technical 1.242 16v sporting

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Technical 1.242 16v sporting


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Hello People, Thanks for reading my quibble, wondered if the well informed could provide an answer for my car which does not keep its revs. It does not change dramatically and only changes between 100 300 rpm if acceleration is kept con stant. Just don't know what it could be any idea's? But the main symptom is I feel the drop in revs and increase in revs well travelling not be much it has to be said, but it is still disconcerting to drive. A small problem in the main though.:bang:
theres quite a few reasons why an engine will hunt.. vacuum leak, fuel starvation, dirty or broken idle control valve, faulty map sensor to name a few. Do you ever get the engine management light come on?

These 16v ones aren't my fortay, more of an 8v man myself - but start by looking for cracks/splits in all the vacuum hoses, there isn't many of them.