Technical 1.2 punto with a few problems.

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Technical 1.2 punto with a few problems.


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Hi all, looking for a bit of help if I may...

Having been signed off work since August while I'm being treated for cancer, I had to sell my car. Things are pretty tight and I've bought myself a little punto knowing that it has some issues. No I'm not stupid (well, ok maybe I am!:D) just that I need a runaround to get to shops, hospital appointments etc but on SSP had no real budget to talk of to get myself anything decent.

The car itself is actually quite pleasant to drive, just the occasional crunch when going from 5th down to 4th... Oh, and it took me a while to find 5th! It's not all the way over to the right as I'd expect but rather, right on top of 3rd if that makes sense! That I can live with for now though.

The main concern is quite a considerable oil leak. I must admit it's leaking more than I realised when I bought it and I'm hoping it's not anything too difficult to fix as I'm a complete novice but as I've said, can not afford garage rates at present.

The next thing is that the front headlights are all clouded up and pitted, almost as if the plastic lense has melted on the inside or something? Is it possible to take these off and restore them or will I need replacements? Probably want doing with winter on the way...

The other things are more trivial, the radio doesn't work. It just says 'check' in the little screen. No big deal but would be nice to have some music playing as I'm driving about. Any ideas on how to fix this would be helpful. The other thing is the heater fan sometimes doesn't work... Seems to be on its way out or a loose connection somewhere... Any ideas on where to start for this please? The spare wheel is missing, would be nice to have peace of mind so if anyone has a spare or knows of a cheap place to pick one up I'd be grateful.

So what have we got:

Oil leak, I will take pics to see if anyone can identify the source
Heater fan working intermittently
Front headlights
5th doesn't seem to be where it should be and crunch going down to 4th
Radio not working
Spare wheel

On the plus side it came with 11 months mot and 6 months tax... :rolleyes:

Hopefully I can make this cheap little car a bit more practical and less of a worry with your help. I look forward to any replies.

I'm Jimmy by the way, nice to meet you!
If it says check can on the screen. pull the radio out and have alook if
the small plug is connected, withought this in it wont work
if the car dont have that lead -the radio wont work.(ihad this with mine the wire was unplugged and had fallen down the dashboard)

to remove the lens off the headlights you have to warm them up there bonded on -id just have a nosey on ebay you can pick them up for peanuts.
Thanks for the replies. I've googled about the stereo with no success. Both plugs are connected on the back of it.. Maybe I'd be better to just get a second hand after market one and be done with it.

I DIY get a chance to go out and take a picture of the oil leak today but the patch appears under the drivers side of the engine, although from under the bonnet it seems to be coming from the passenger side of the engine as there is a little pool of oil in a recess in the engine.... Will get a picture tomorrow to help show what I mean.

I will look on eBay for the headlight units, thanks, sounds like it will be easier than messing about taking the lenses off etc. I will also look for a spare Normal size wheel too. Never liked the digs of space savers really anyway but I definitely want a spare of some description.


All good advice so far. Of your list:

"Oil leak, I will take pics to see if anyone can identify the source
Heater fan working intermittently
Front headlights
5th doesn't seem to be where it should be and crunch going down to 4th
Radio not working
Spare wheel"​

I'd sort:

Heater fan working intermittently
Front headlights​


You can run the car with an oil leak on a "total loss lubrication system" basis for a long time (as long as the loss is not massive). Fixing it might be a fag. Just top up VERY regularly (even the cheapest oil is very good these days).

With winter approaching, fix the fan first, should be easy. Demisting in the morning is an absolute safety MUST. Then look at the lights. Unless you live somewhere rural, lights that pass an MoT should do until you find some better ones. I've tried polishing lenses, but the gloop to do it may cost as much as some good 2nd hand lights.

The other stuff can be attended to at your leisure. You've already had some great tips here & I'm sure that more is to come.
Hi disgusted, thanks for the advice.

I've found a thread on here that points to a connector with a dodgy earth in the passenger footwell for the heater fan so I will check there today.. Fingers crossed that it's as simple as that!

I do live in a rural area yes, so as you suggest the lights are important. I will be looking on eBay this morning with my morning coffee... Hoping to find some pretty cheap as I'm not working at the moment while I'm on sick leave having chemo. I may give the local scrap yard a call on Monday as well and see if they have a set and at what price...

As a side note, I've just seen the very odd spelling mistakes in my last post which were in fact stupid auto corrects on my ipad. Sorry about that! I will have a look if I can go back in and edit it but if not that's the reason for seemingly random words in sentences!

Thanks again for the advice.

If it says check can on the screen. pull the radio out and have alook if
the small plug is connected, withought this in it wont work
if the car dont have that lead -the radio wont work.(ihad this with mine the wire was unplugged and had fallen down the dashboard)

I just went out and took another look at the radio because I read again what you said and don't remember seeing a small plug. I've taken a picture which will hopefully show up here, of the back of the radio which does have an empty socket... Should this be where the plug goes? There is nothing loose behind the stereo and my hands don't fit through the back... How did you retrieve the lost connector from behind the dash?

I forgot to get pictures of the oil leak while I was out looking at the stereo so just nipped back out...

You can see the oil pooling a little here on this end of the engine at the front


It seems to be coming from under here



Which is at the back of this thing...


Any ideas what it is that needs fixing/replacing and is it something I could attempt myself?
looks classis oil seal o ring on where the dizzy would go to me
radio cant help, but it would appear you have either a low spec mk2 b or a mk2 and you are trying to get a higher spec mk2b radio to work, it wont without having the cancheck removed by a radio shop for 35 sovs approx
headlights usual polish up with wet and dry 1200 followed by plenty of g5 and a mop
space saver spare wheel is more than adequate to get you home unless you need to do it in time warp time
5th gear try adjusting cable on top of gearbox very slightly (the one with the square plastic cap on ) you push this down and slide the cable ever so slowly one tooth at a time
heater fan intermittant is classic burn wires onto heater rheostat under the glove box and is an easy repair with a scrap yard replacement and some cheese block
hope your health improves for you
I just went out and took another look at the radio because I read again what you said and don't remember seeing a small plug. I've taken a picture which will hopefully show up here, of the back of the radio which does have an empty socket... Should this be where the plug goes? There is nothing loose behind the stereo and my hands don't fit through the back... How did you retrieve the lost connector from behind the dash?

You have a small plug connector missing!
have a feel down behind where the radio sits and see if you can fish it out/might be best to remove the housing
ifound mine behind the vents,
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Call that a leak!

Pah. Chicken feed.

I had a Citroen CX in the '90s. It leaked profusely of:

  • Green LHM (magic Citroen-only hydraulic fluid)
  • Total T (weirdo Citroen-only semi-auto gearbox fluid)
  • Engine oil

My parents wouldn't let the car within 100m of their house as it was so incontinent & would ruin their smart driveway.

Leaking fluids kept the underside rust free! body panels fell off though...

Thanks for the replies guys...

Is the coil pack o ring a simple job and do any of you have a link to the correct replacement needed?i can't find a guide on here on how to do the job but if any of you know of one can you let me know? Or am I better to just get a haynes manual?

I will take a look tomorrow for the missing connector for the stereo. If my car doesn't have one will an after market stereo work without it or would it be needed for that too?

I found the connector in the passenger footwell that is causing my heater blower problem. I gave it a wiggle and the fan came on so I will address that tomorrow when I have some wire. Can I just do away with the connector and wire it straight together? Doesn't look like it will do any harm if I did?
Thanks for the replies guys...

Is the coil pack o ring a simple job and do any of you have a link to the correct replacement needed?i can't find a guide on here on how to do the job but if any of you know of one can you let me know? Or am I better to just get a haynes manual?

I will take a look tomorrow for the missing connector for the stereo. If my car doesn't have one will an after market stereo work without it or would it be needed for that too?

I found the connector in the passenger footwell that is causing my heater blower problem. I gave it a wiggle and the fan came on so I will address that tomorrow when I have some wire. Can I just do away with the connector and wire it straight together? Doesn't look like it will do any harm if I did?

Coil pack seal is 3x Nuts and a wiggle to pull the coil pack out

have some wragg handy as a dribble of oil will come out, as it sits in a little bath to help lube what used to be the dizzy at a guess

Fingers Put up a link ages ago - its shows the seal can be brought for peanuts :)

Personally i'd run a bead of sealant around the heads face as you stick it back in
As its another seal to prevent it leaking again, as it looks like somebody has done that on the current Rocker cover seal which seems to be working well!

The stereo - to me that looks right, the basic punto only had 2x plugs, power and speakers, the 3rd is the antenna wire for the ariel on the roof
You could fit aftermarket, but it depends if you have old style ignition signal or new style canbus
On the power connector you should have
Red - black - yellow - possibily grey/blue
