Technical 1.2 16V Engine Noises

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Technical 1.2 16V Engine Noises

Nov 29, 2009

Basic ive got a 2001 1.2 16v Sporting Punto. THough sounds like a diseal on idle. I think its the alternator at the back left. making a ticking like tik,tik.tik. When i exelerate u can slight hear a noise like a cycle bike when u dont peddle. I was told it could be the tappets as it only does this when i exelerate. but its 16v? dosent that mean they self set? Basic im wanting to quiet the engine down so its less noisy and figure out what the ticking noise is at the top left of the engine and the nose im getting when i exelerate. I do have a Induction kit on the car. Pipercross. If anyone can offer me some advice it would be really helpful. Car drives 100% fine just kinda annoying the noise when exelerate and on iddle.
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i have the exact same problem, it cant be your induction cos i dont have one and mine makes the same ticking noise, does it get faster the higher the revs? If you find out what it is please pm me to see if i can get it sorted too cos its so annoying! :bang:

Basic ive got a 2001 1.2 16v Sporting Punto. THough sounds like a diseal on idle. I think its the alternator at the back left. making a ticking like tik,tik.tik. When i exelerate u can slight hear a noise like a cycle bike when u dont peddle. I was told it could be the tappets as it only does this when i exelerate. but its 16v? dosent that mean they self set? Basic im wanting to quiet the engine down so its less noisy and figure out what the ticking noise is at the top left of the engine and the nose im getting when i exelerate. I do have a Induction kit on the car. Pipercross. If anyone can offer me some advice it would be really helpful. Car drives 100% fine just kinda annoying the noise when exelerate and on iddle.

Hi . take the belt off the alternator .that will confirm one way or the other (y)

Basic ive got a 2001 1.2 16v Sporting Punto. THough sounds like a diseal on idle. I think its the alternator at the back left. making a ticking like tik,tik.tik. When i exelerate u can slight hear a noise like a cycle bike when u dont peddle. I was told it could be the tappets as it only does this when i exelerate. but its 16v? dosent that mean they self set? Basic im wanting to quiet the engine down so its less noisy and figure out what the ticking noise is at the top left of the engine and the nose im getting when i exelerate. I do have a Induction kit on the car. Pipercross. If anyone can offer me some advice it would be really helpful. Car drives 100% fine just kinda annoying the noise when exelerate and on iddle.

Flush engine oil using engine flush,replace oil and filter(y)
How old is the cam belt? Confirm its not losing teeth, because it it is losing teeth its about to fail and you will be looking at a set of valves and a belt kit.

If the accessory belt is cracking on the non drive side where it wraps around the pulley wheels its safe to assume the cam belt is also past its best. Why? because they both tend to get replaced at the same time when one is going the other wont be far behind.
How old is the cam belt? Confirm its not losing teeth, because it it is losing teeth its about to fail and you will be looking at a set of valves and a belt kit.

If the accessory belt is cracking on the non drive side where it wraps around the pulley wheels its safe to assume the cam belt is also past its best. Why? because they both tend to get replaced at the same time when one is going the other wont be far behind.

Can the cam belt just be taking off and checked? and new one placed on. Do i need to align anything up? Could this be causing the ticking when accelerate?

Just had a look at my Hayness Manual looks pritty tricky to tackle
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