General Warning! check your Panda

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General Warning! check your Panda

Mar 27, 2004
West Cumbria
When collecting my panda I was advised to check the rear No Plate and how it was fitted. I was also told that if it only had two screws then more than likely the dealer had not fitted them properly and drilled through the tailgate's metal panel. On collecting the Panda I spoke to the Sales manager who I know well and told him that I was conserned that the plate had not been fitted properly and that the tailgate may rust if they had screwed into the panel.

He told me not to worry as they were fitted using a special template and all panda's were done this way with no one ever complaining and that if it did rust then they would be at fault and have it fixed under waranty.

Well when chnging over the No Plates I found this......

Not only has the screw been forced into the tailgate causing a small dent to both sides, But as the hole was never treated when screwing into the bare metal it has started to rust (easilly seen if you zoom into the left screw hole)and on a car that is just over 7 months old :mad:

I will be returning the car to the sales manager soon with a told you so and asking that the tailgate be replaced. I can't believe that they used tape AND screwed into the metal :nutter:

The propper method of fitting the plates was strange to me but this is how they should be done........

On the tailgate Fiat fit 4 plastic inserts to attach the No plate as you can see on the above pic however if you try to screw into these they give way as if they are broken (they are not) it took a couple of minutes to figure out but the small plastic parts that give way are designed to be attached to the No plate first.

You need to remove the plastic square inserts (missing in the pic as they are attached to the No plate) this can be done by screwing into them and when they give way pull them out OR push them through. You will need to remove the lower part of the tailgate trim to retreive them.

Once you have the 4 square inserts attach them to the No plate by placing a screw through the No plate and whilst holding the square insert with a pair of pliers or grips tighten the screw till the plastic insert is tight against the No plate. Once all 4 are done the No plate is just pushed in. The round plastic piece on the tailgate grips onto the square plastic insert fixed to the plate. It's quite tight, a bit like a virgins first encounter, so you need to push with a little force till it clicks in place. Job done.

Be warned that the holes have to be exact so well worth making a template first.

It is a bit off a faff BUT it's how they should be afixed. To be honest double sided plate tape is 1000 times easier but as said if you want them done as Fiat intended at least you now know how....:)
The round plastic bit's......No they are fitted without scratching into the paint as that's what I suppose they are intended to do. Although they look quite open with holes that size when you push the No plate on they are then sealed so water does not get in. I've had to tape over the screw holes for now to prevent any water or moisture getting in there.
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OMG Alan, thats truely shocking:eek: think about how many must have been done like that:(

I'm glad your just like me for wanting a new tailgate. Go for it mate, because in 5 years time when the sales person isn't there, it will be alot harder. I hope they don't try fobing you off with 'repairing' it. Once that's done, it will always rust.

Lol, How much do you think a new tailgate will cost them:p:rolleyes: silly billies
That is not good and will be the first thing I'll check when the custard yellow mamba arrives. If I spot the same shodiness I'll reject the car - in fact, I will speak to the dealer about this before it's delivered to double-check they know the correct procedure for fitting the plate!!

Thanks for the invaluable warning and I trust you get things sorted to your absolute satisfaction!
I understand your anger about these holes having been drilled and it is quite uncalled for that the dealers do this, it's just laziness not to use the attachments that Fiat provide.
However I don't think that in a million years you are going to get a new tailgate out of your dealer. Even if you did, it would probably not be fitted as well as at the factory and would probably rattle or leak.
The holes that have been drilled will never, in the car's lifetime, lead to corrosion that is visible or that leads to the integrity and strength of the tailgate being compromised.
I suggest that you carefully grind off the rust with a Dremel or something similar, apply rust converter then paint with something easy to use like Hammerite.
I know you will feel that this seems like an unacceptable compromise just now but it will save your blood pressure rising which a fruitless argument with the dealer will inevitably cause.
:bang: join the numpty dealer club.....same on my 100 hp....ignored the fitting kit and 2 self tappers straight into the tail went bust but the same staff are still working at the new dealership.
complained and got a load of old b******s, thats how there fitted was the response.............:cry:
That is not good and will be the first thing I'll check when the custard yellow mamba arrives. If I spot the same shodiness I'll reject the car - in fact, I will speak to the dealer about this before it's delivered to double-check they know the correct procedure for fitting the plate!!

Thanks for the invaluable warning and I trust you get things sorted to your absolute satisfaction!

Have just checked and the Mambo's plates are fitted properly so hopefully yours will be too as you're using the Perrys too!
I was surprised that they'd used 4 screws to secure it on mine and had wondered if it was the opposite case where they'd ignore the standard 2 holes. Looks like I'm actually one of the lucky ones!!!

I understand your anger about these holes having been drilled and it is quite uncalled for that the dealers do this, it's just laziness not to use the attachments that Fiat provide.
However I don't think that in a million years you are going to get a new tailgate out of your dealer. Even if you did, it would probably not be fitted as well as at the factory and would probably rattle or leak.
The holes that have been drilled will never, in the car's lifetime, lead to corrosion that is visible or that leads to the integrity and strength of the tailgate being compromised.
I suggest that you carefully grind off the rust with a Dremel or something similar, apply rust converter then paint with something easy to use like Hammerite.
I know you will feel that this seems like an unacceptable compromise just now but it will save your blood pressure rising which a fruitless argument with the dealer will inevitably cause.

There is no way i'm going take a dremil to the car and there is no way that I will accept filler or dented metal on it either. I wouldn't have it on my 18 yr old panda, so it's certainly not acceptable on a new one.

I did have this discussion already with the sales manager when I collected the car on delivery so will make sure that he remembers it. On a good note as said I know the dealer well as they sponsored the old panda when doing the trip to istanbul so I don't think that it will be as much of a fight, as they also know that I'm constantly being asked to guest speak on the local radio station so we will wait n see. The car will be parked at the dealers when I get the time and it will stay there till it's done. My blood pressure and heart rate are quite low and this type of stuff doesn't bother me to that extent, I'm used to confrontation.

I take your point about water ingress and the likely hood is small but it's greater than the solid metal that should be there and another reason it's not acceptable
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My car is a 57 plate and the front plate is mounted properly but the rear with two screws. I wouldn't have noticed had the original fitting kit not been left in the glove box, complete with instructions! Complete laziness from the dealers really. I haven't decided what to do about it, if anything, because fixing it probably would be a bit of a botch job. As far as I remember from chemistry galvanised bodywork will corrode preferentially to stainless steel screws:eek:
Have just checked and the Mambo's plates are fitted properly so hopefully yours will be too as you're using the Perrys too!
EMG, thanks.....phew!!! I will still have a quiet word with the dealer though. And have to say at this point that Perrys have been very good during the transaction, keeping me informed of progress etc. I still have 1 or 2 points to clarify with them (like free delivery) and will let you all know how things progress.

Alan.D - you have every right to be annoyed and every right to pursue thiis to the fullest. Let us know the outcome...
My car is a 57 plate and the front plate is mounted properly but the rear with two screws. I wouldn't have noticed had the original fitting kit not been left in the glove box, complete with instructions! Complete laziness from the dealers really. I haven't decided what to do about it, if anything, because fixing it probably would be a bit of a botch job. As far as I remember from chemistry galvanised bodywork will corrode preferentially to stainless steel screws:eek:

Technically the front bumper has 4 dimples on it which I assume is for the No plate fixing, but as it has to be screwed into anyway the front doesn't really matter as much although tape would once again aleviate the need.

Re what happens, will do. I've always had a brilliant relationship with the dealers especially the sales manager as we have been involved in a few bit's pieces, the istanbul run being the main one where they sponsored 2 of our cars with full dealers coverage on the bonnet's, so supprised that they have done this but the service side I suppose is a different dept and as one of the techs has told me lazy and stupid thing to do.
You might be better off taking your salesman friend to one side and showing him what they have done, that they're making him look daft in the process. I understand your annoyance but think it's unlikely you'll get more than a rub down and a dab of paint on the boot.
gawd some people moan about the sillyest of things, the car aint gonna be a wreck in 20years time because of 2 little screw holes? ive had many number plates fall off my seicento using 3m sticky pads the bass from my car shakes them off, best way is to screw them on that way saves paying £10 for a new plate each time they decide to fall off
My rear plate is fitted by the plastic fittings that are pressed into the tail gate ..but the centre of the right hand one had pushed out and needs to be replaced..I will mention it to the dealer when I take her in for the second other holes drilled in the tailgate on mine other than where the press fittings are..:slayer:
gawd some people moan about the sillyest of things, the car aint gonna be a wreck in 20years time because of 2 little screw holes?

He only paid about £9k for is 7 months ago, silly thing, I think not, I'm all with Alan here!

As for the car being a wreck in 20 year, well it could well be. It is a Fiat, and they're not the best rust proofed in the first place, without starting it rusting in 7 months of ownership.

It's designed the be fitted with 4 screws and they have blatently been lazy bodgers.

ive had many number plates fall off my seicento using 3m sticky pads the bass from my car shakes them off, best way is to screw them on that way saves paying £10 for a new plate each time they decide to fall off

The 3M tape shouldn't have been used in the first place, the 4 mounting points should have :bang:

Dealership attitude:(