General Exhaust replacement

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General Exhaust replacement


New member
Feb 8, 2005
Here's a tip which might save you a few quid. I've got a petrol Y reg, one of the silencers rusted into a hole (not too noisy but enough to fail MoT). I went to get it replaced and was told that the only replacement possible was the whole system, as it was fitted as a single part. Furthermore, it's a 'dealer part' (= Fiat prices) - £410 thank you! :eek: I considered my options (actually, I considered the depleted state of my bank account) and decided to do a bit of research; I found a local company which fitted a replacement system in stainless steel (from the catalyst - which is stainless anyway - right to the very back) for £340 inc VAT. The guy said I could have it 'as noisy or as quiet as I liked' - I chose quiet! All these boy racer's cars in the yard, and here's my Multipla. Not cheap, but it'lll never need replaced again, as I'm certain that my £410 exhaust would have been singing away like Pavarotti within the next 3-4 years. (y)
I'll consider a powerflow system on my Multipla when it goes (although diesel systems seem to be made of stronger stuff than petrol cars), I've got a powerflow on my other car a F*rd Probe.
Diesel exhausts lasting longer than petrol.

I have a theory that they're much the same, but diesel engines don't put out so much water (& other corrosive stuff), so holes appear later.

Back box on my petrol Punto blowing at 25 months old. My Multipla Diesel system still going strong at 50 months (probably drop off tomorrow now that I've said that).
