Technical Yet Another Key Question

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Technical Yet Another Key Question

Apr 16, 2004
Bangor, Northern Ireland.
I am thinking of buying a 2000 Brava.

My question is, I know that the new Puntos do not come with a brown/red key, but have a master remote central locking key (which can be replaced, if lost).

Were the 2000 Brava's still made with a brown/red key, or did they change also ??

The only reason I am asking is that every car I have been looking at has not had a master key with it "!"



This I have found the answer to my question, but it would be good to have it clarified.

The Bravo's and Brava's all have the system 1 alarms, and therefore always have a red key, whereas the Puntos changed from a system 1 alarm to a system 2 alarm in 2000, and with it went the red key.

Is that right ???
yes but i have heard rumours that some of the very last bravo/as (2001) went onto system 2, but personally i've never seen one. a 2000 brava should definately have a red key as far as i know
Mine's late 2000 and has a red key :)

A code2 system (were it to be fitted, which I've not seen either) would have the number 2 next to the triangle/ circles symbol. If it hasn't got this, it's the earlier system and requires a red key.