Technical Workshop Manual

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Technical Workshop Manual


May 17, 2019
A previous post mentions the lack of a workshop manual for the 500X. I asked Haynes if they were going to publish one but they said they had no plans at the moment. They don't even do a manual for any car with the Multiair engine.
So I wondered if more people asked about one it might move up their priority list.You can send questions to them from their website. Don't flood the website with requests or they might think we're spamming them :)!

Cheers Nico.
Thanks for the replies.
Does anyone know where to get any sort of workshop/repair manual for the 500X or maybe even the Jeep Renegade that has the same running gear?
I've seen a cd on ebay but it's over £200.

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As I recall in the UK/EU the 500X workshop manual (along with other later models) was never released on CD/DVD. It was on a KeyLearn USB stick along with all other later models. This KEyLearn was later withdrawn from availablity. NOw in the UK/EU the manuals are only available as an on-line subscription service.

However in the US to 500X and Renegade Workshop Manuals were/are available on CD/DVD. The bit I don't know is if they are US market specific in which case some EU models and engines may not be covered.
If you need something specific let me know. Typically it costs around 7 EU for 1 day access.