Technical When should the Cam Belt & Water Pump on 1.4 8v Punto Grande?

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Technical When should the Cam Belt & Water Pump on 1.4 8v Punto Grande?


New member
Nov 8, 2012
South Wales

Just a quick question.

What mileage should the Cam Belt, tensioner & water pump be changed on a 1.4 8v Petrol Grande Punto?

Mine is currently on 62,000 miles and i bought it when it was on 50,000. I dont think its been changed previously.

Also how much would i be looking at to get these changed (approx)

Its recommended to do it every 5 years or 50000 miles, whichever comes first. I'm getting mine done tomorrow coincidentally as my car is now at 55000 miles.

I'm pretty sure (in fact i'm 99% certain) the punto has a 'safe' engine. This means if the belt snaps then it wont go onto to do further damage to the valves and pistons etc. Even then though, you dont want it snapping!

So if it was to snap, the engine would be ok, i would just need to replace the belt?

Can anyone else confirm this?

Also how much am i looking at roughly?
Not sure about the 1.4 8v but not all Grande Punto engines are safe. Earlier fiat fire engines were but they have changed a lot over the years.

I think the official mileage limit for normal use is 72k but it should be changed every 5 years regardless and doing it at 50k is probably wise.

Franchised fiat dealers will change the belt for £300 plus £85 for the water pump (inc vat).
Ok Thanks, i will be getting them changed within the next 2 weeks, going to ring about a bit first to see what sort of prices i am offered.

So is there anyone on here that confirm wheter my 1.48v has got a safe engine?

No probs. I asked the mechanic

He pulled it up on the PC they have just to be sure. He assured me the 1.4 8v IS an interference engine. He said they are better for compression and efficiency or something along those lines (when people start talking about that to me they might as we'll be speaking Greek!)
He's talking $h!t. The 8v engines are non-interference. If cam belt snaps the pistons won't touch the valves, you just won't go anywhere. A new belt, and timing aligned correctly is all that will be needed.

Are you sure about that? Remember we are talking about the 1.4, maybe the 1.2 8v is a safe engine but with the greatest respect I trust the mechanic

Feel free to link us to any source that says otherwise but for meantime my balls in the mechanics court (y)