What's made you grumpy today?

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What's made you grumpy today?

For f**k sake. Do BMW drivers all have to sign a form saying they promise to drive like a complete nob head. Yes my car looks sporty and maybe you would like to race and play silly buggers on daddys company car but i'm in a 1.2 sad Arse wipes. Argggggghhhhh why are there so many crap drivers in Peterborough, or maybe its why are they so many arseholes allowed to drive in peterborough.

Is it a crime to uprate and do thing to your car to your car and does it make you a boyracer because you enjoy do that Urmmmm NO
that my rant all out

much better now lol, lets get that curry going and crack open a beer :)

Haha that could of been my brother, he lives in Peterborough and drives a BMW, you do have to drive like nob to get anywhere in Peterborough though to be fair, he doesnt drive like a nob tho.
im quickly running out of things to do to stop myself from smoking.
cleaned the car inside and out
done all my washing and ironing.
cleaned my room inc mopping the foors and wiping down all surfaces.

tomorrow im gonna take the dog for a looooooong walk/swim and then hopefully go do something with my bf to take my mind off wanting a fag :bang: