General What's considered high mileage for the 1.2ltr engine?

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General What's considered high mileage for the 1.2ltr engine?

Steve Swan

New member
Jun 10, 2024
I'm being tempted into buying a late 2014 500C 1.2ltr Lounge with 95k miles on the clock. From the MOT history and general lack of wear & tear I think most of the miles were clocked up on motorways. There's a good amount of service stamps but no receipts for work such as timing belt or clutch so I suspect they have not been changed - what sort of cost would I be looking at to get these done?
Is 95k mile considered too high for a 1.2ltr? Is there anything else I should be checking for?
Thanks in advance.
Most engines these days are good for 1/4 million miles easily, if they're regularly serviced; it's just that the rest of the car they're attached to falls to bits.. :whistle:

In my experience there are two "death mileages" for cars. The first is around 80k, where your OE exhaust, clutch, dampers etc. start to wear out. These are quite big-ticket items, so the car ends up being dumped onto its young, keen and/or naive next owner to sort out.

The next death mileage is in the 120k region where the things fixed/replaced when the car was more valuable start to come up for the second time round, so those cheap eBay wishbones, brakes and pads etc. pack up and the cost/hassle annoys the owner who bought the 80k car and then spent a fortune fixing it. You might also have some corrosion issues, electrical faults, and some straggler components, that didn't go wrong yet despite being fitted in the factory some 10 years earlier. The car gets sold on again, or it gets the cheapest bits the grudging owner can find.

If the car makes it to 130k, it means someone's been fixing it, that most of the components are quite new and they're probably mostly good quality.. so the car is good for the next 50k miles. Nothing goes wrong between 130k and 180k unless you're tempted to see how cheaply you can run it and scrimp on a water pump in between cam-belt changes, etc.

Then 180k.. ⚰️🪦is a place that not many cars get to, and very few come back from... but it's a place where you're grateful that the car just still works, so it's worth maintaining... but you understand that filling the tank with gas doubles its value temporarily and even a paint chip claim on the insurance will make it a write-off... so worry about that later.. 😅

Ralf S.
My citroen is up to 147k miles, now, I do wonder when it's going to fail in some way that's catastrophic, as in cost more to repair than replace., but by the sound of it I have 33k more miles before I worry ;)

Unless it was really cheap, I wouldn't consider a small engine are above 100k miles.
The 1.2 is such a simple engine that has been around for decades so there are very few problems that haven’t been sorted out.

Really the reliability of the engine will come down to how it has been looked after oil changes filter changes and cambelt changes.

Other issues such a brakes, clutch and any other consumable parts will likely be more of a concern at that milage than the 1.2 engine.

Just don’t expect anything resembling performance, it’s very much a get the job done eventually engine rather than having any power or speed.
Took the 500C I was tempted by for a test drive today..

The good bits:
Paint + bodywork excellent.
Retractable top appears to be in v'good condition and working well.
Interior very clean.
I was impressed with how nimble it was and how well it smoothed out rough road surfaces.
Engine was smooth and propelled the car to 60mph effortlessly.
The brakes were powerful and brought the car to a halt from 60mph quickly in a straight line without any drama.
Clutch bite point not high - seems good.

The not so good bits:
Battery was flat so had to be jumped.
Hardly any fuel - dealer said there 'should be enough' for a few runs around the trading estate!
Odometer flashing continuously.
Radio didn't respond to any buttons on the steering wheel.
Unable to open the boot.
Nearside rear light not working.
Couldn't notice any difference in steering after pressing the city mode button.
Aircon does not blow particularly cold, maybe needs re-gassing.
After about 1 mile the engine went into limp home mode so I had to return to the dealers.

Doing a bit of googling it looks that maybe the flat battery could have caused some of the above problems and the almost empty tank caused it to go into limp mode.
I'll give the dealer a couple of days to get it sorted and maybe arrange another test drive.
Took the 500C I was tempted by for a test drive today..

The good bits:
Paint + bodywork excellent.
Retractable top appears to be in v'good condition and working well.
Interior very clean.
I was impressed with how nimble it was and how well it smoothed out rough road surfaces.
Engine was smooth and propelled the car to 60mph effortlessly.
The brakes were powerful and brought the car to a halt from 60mph quickly in a straight line without any drama.
Clutch bite point not high - seems good.

The not so good bits:
Battery was flat so had to be jumped.
Hardly any fuel - dealer said there 'should be enough' for a few runs around the trading estate!
Odometer flashing continuously.
Radio didn't respond to any buttons on the steering wheel.
Unable to open the boot.
Nearside rear light not working.
Couldn't notice any difference in steering after pressing the city mode button.
Aircon does not blow particularly cold, maybe needs re-gassing.
After about 1 mile the engine went into limp home mode so I had to return to the dealers.

Doing a bit of googling it looks that maybe the flat battery could have caused some of the above problems and the almost empty tank caused it to go into limp mode.
I'll give the dealer a couple of days to get it sorted and maybe arrange another test drive.

Blue and Me module is likely cause for several of those, remove £300 from price😉
Sounds to me like a piece of junk. I'd walk away.
Considering the Limp Mode, and the sellers efforts to restrict the test drive, it is certainly "painting a picture"

Obviously there Might be positives.. And a low price..

I bought a Punto at 20% Market value.. To see if I could own / tolerate one.,

it was fine so then spent 7 times as much on a really nice one 🙂
The not so good bits:
Battery was flat so had to be jumped.
Hardly any fuel - dealer said there 'should be enough' for a few runs around the trading estate!
Odometer flashing continuously.
Radio didn't respond to any buttons on the steering wheel.
Unable to open the boot.
Nearside rear light not working.
Couldn't notice any difference in steering after pressing the city mode button.
Aircon does not blow particularly cold, maybe needs re-gassing.
After about 1 mile the engine went into limp home mode so I had to return to the dealers.

It's always staggering how little effort some dealers put into selling their cars.

I particularly like "it's a simple/cheap/easy fix..." .... so why haven't you done it? :unsure:

Ralf S.
I'd booked the test drive 2 days before when I first viewed the car. It had a flat battery then so turning up 2 days later to find the car still had a flat battery was a bit annoying.

To find it was running on petrol vapour (nothing was registering on the gauge) was very annoying and I think caused the car to go into limp mode.

You would think they'd get these things sorted if they were concerned about their customers impression of them.

They should also not tell a customer that the car they want to PX is the most unpopular car on the planet - even if it is true.
I'd booked the test drive 2 days before when I first viewed the car. It had a flat battery then so turning up 2 days later to find the car still had a flat battery was a bit annoying.

To find it was running on petrol vapour (nothing was registering on the gauge) was very annoying and I think caused the car to go into limp mode.

You would think they'd get these things sorted if they were concerned about their customers impression of them.

They should also not tell a customer that the car they want to PX is the most unpopular car on the planet - even if it is true.
If they dont give A s**t while they trying to sell it to you!- imagine what it will be like when not if you have a problem later!! steer clear IMHO