General What'd be THE option?

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General What'd be THE option?


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Sort of follow up to the discussion on sams500's swap....

What (is) would be THE spec in your 500 (or other car) you couldn't do without, the 1st spec on your list, and why?

Mine would definitely be the sunroof until I convince the missus that the fabric roofs aren't evil :)p) and then buy my midlife crisis' convertible..... :D
Until then I make do with a sunroof open 11 months a year.
Love the light, love the airy cabin. I just couldn't do without, simples! (y)
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For me the essential option is the ivory interior, that and the colour of the actual car would be the first most important things to me. Plus the actual type of engine. Sorry thats 3 things already, this is impossible.

I really really wanted the opening sunroof but it robbed too much headroom so I couldn't have it.
For me I'd have to say that I couldn't do without the convertible. For all it's rattles and squeaks when it's doubles figures I have the roof back to either sunroof or all the way down. It's taken 6 months to run in properly but its now beginning to feel like the car it should be.
I would probably say Xenon headlights too as they are fantastic and love the headlight washers, but as I'm moving to the town next week from my isolated rural location I doubt I'll really need HIDs on my next 500.

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This is a difficult question? The problem is that you have lounge and sport specs which have a lot of stuff on them.

If you ask me if I NEED any of the bits I added onto my lounge spec 500 I'd have to say no, although I wasn't fond of the 15" multispokes tbh. Not a huge fan of the seats either.

But if we're talking about the Pop spec then A/C and B&M/leather steering wheel would be my choices. I don't really like the pop seats so I'd probably go for leather too.
has to be my chrome mirror covers, best 57 pounds I've ever spent!

Re: What'd be THE spec?

I had more in mind something you "can't do" (or won't do ;)) without to add from the nakedest of 500s :p. What'd be the first upgrade, the must have?

Say we all start from a specless 500.
Re: What'd be THE spec?

I had more in mind something you "can't do" (or won't do ;)) without to add from the nakedest of 500s :p. What'd be the first upgrade, the must have?

Say we all start from a specless 500.
That's what i was thinking but I had to ask :)

Like I said there are things I don't like about the lounge spec, but there's nothing I NEED to have that it doesn't have. The pop however!
Blue&Me. Every time I get into a car that doesn't have it I feel like I'm stepping back in time. The advantages of having a usb socket in the car for plugging in 16gig of music is hard to put into terms until you've lived with it for a while. It's easily the best option I've ever specced on any car.
I have the basic of spec's pop and specified only 2 extras, the most important being the over the roof italian flag, helps me spot it any car park,and was the main reason I wanted a 500 (the other option is 15inch sport alloys) If I were to buy again, the only thing I would change would be the engine, and that is only when the new multiair 2 cylinder unit arrives.
We have a bog standard Pop with just one option - and it's the one I wouldn't want to go without - A/C.

Hopefully we will have a summer to warrant having it, otherwise it'll be a major let down!

I hope you are using it now, for de-fugging, because if you leave it unused for six months the seals will dry out and you'll lose gas.
I hope you are using it now, for de-fugging, because if you leave it unused for six months the seals will dry out and you'll lose gas.

Ah yes, we use it to help demist the windscreen and front windows - was just making the point that it'll come into its own when we have hot and humid weather (IF being the word of course...).