Styling What brand are the stock speakers for the 500L Lounge 2015?

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Styling What brand are the stock speakers for the 500L Lounge 2015?

Dec 5, 2020
Hey guys and gals. Just got my Fiat 500L 2015 Lounge 1.3 multijet, and it has a banging sound system. Just was curious what brand the speakers are as I can't see them through the door and not in the mood to take the door apart just to see the brand. Can't find anything on the web. Any help please?
They're likely unbranded anyway.
But Fiat has generally done a decent job of the sound systems for the average user, since the 500 came out in 2008. Personally I find the 500L to have a very muddy midrange, and too punchy bass, combined with a lack of treble. But then again, I'm an audiophile and run a combination of Hertz and Focal in my Alfa... :)