What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

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What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?



i'm after replacing the front door speakers in my N bravo 1.8 HLX,what's the biggest i can fit,Also the diffusers on the dash,Are they just tweeters? how are they connected? from the front wiring?

the front door speakers are 5x7 standard but you can make a adapter to fit 13cm in or you can mash away all the metal and get up to 10" subs in there (see Rob D - we saw one with these in there). the dash has tweeters in the diffuser and they are also easy to replace, just prise off the cover gently. the back speakers are 13cm round so are easy to swap.

good luck

Easy Now!

Rick is correct at Donny in the park we saw a Bravo with 10" subs in the doors!! He had to do alot of work to get them in though. cutting throught the inner door metal etc. I was gutted I didn't get to hear it too. Did any of you guys hear it?

As you probably already know there is not alot of help for us Bravo owners out there in comparison to say the Saxo's or Fiesta. Quite a few companys make 2-way 5x7s now a days (Rockford Fosgate) but if you want components you'll have to construct some mounts yourself. (that was the last time I checked at Eurocar any way and that was over 6 months ago) So a company may have brought out some pods since then?? you'll have to check that out.

I did have 5.25" mids in the doors to this this I made a set of mdf mounts. Which I still have, if you want to buy off me you can have them for £10. That includes the delivery. I think thats a fair price any way?

I now however have a set of 6.5" RF Fanatix mid/components up front!!! it required a little work to make them fit correctly but 6.5 is the biggest you can get in with out having to cut through the metal in the doors.

I can't remember If Si actually sat in the front of the car the last time we met but the new components are probbly the best I've ever heard. Did you sit upfront Si? If he did I'm sure he'd agree on the quality of the speakers.

Rockford the one and only!!! haha
Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Sorry didn't log in then?

That was me above

Rob D
Re: Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Correct me if i'm wrong guys but i though the Bravo at Donny in the Park only had 8inch subs in the doors. I was under the impression that a 10inch would not go in because of the mounting depth it would need.
Rob, I agree Rockford Fosgate gear is by far the best quality in their price bracket >£180.
But for real quality go for Focal or DLS, but that is talking about paying £600. for a set of components!!!
DLS price?

Huh, that much for a DLS?

In our country the most expensive DLS speakers, the UR36 costs around 500 pounds

In a month or two i'll go for the UP6 DLS, the cost is around 200 pounds, the crossover is one of the best, 6.5' speakers, 150w rms, what else do you need? :D
Re: DLS price?

Those are good prices!!!

Mail order UK prices for the UP6's are £320.00 and the UR36's are £629.00!!!
Re: Re: DLS price?

yep Si I should have said Best speaker in that bracket!! Focals are a different cup of tea all together.


And again yes you are right they were 8" in that that Bravo not 10"s

Did you hear it Si??

I've never seen him on the website? Seemed like a nice guy though and he only lives am couple of junctions away from me on the M1. I bet we'll see a bit of him next year when the car shows start up again.
Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

so does this mean that i can fit a pair of RF Fanatic Q's 5'25 in a 1.2 80 sx door ?

Or will it have to get a specialst stereo person to hack away at the door mounting?
Re: Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Millo, yes the 5"25 speakers will fit in the front doors if you buy a speaker adaptor plate from a motor factors such as Halfords for about £10.

And yes Rob, I did hear that Bravo running although I didn't (dare) sit in it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Si OMG!!! thank you for answering that last question.

So it was that loud you wouldn't sit in it???!!!

holy loud sound systems batman!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Can you actually get speaker adapters for 5.25" components?

As I said above, when I was looking, granted it was a while ago I couldn't get hold of any? It's about time they started doing more stuff for the bravo like that.

And Agian Si OMG!!!! but cheers for stepping in I was about to loose my Rag and through My computer through the window!!! hehehe
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Rob when I got my car in Feburary I marched straight into Halfords and picked up a set of speaker adaptors so they've been available since then at least.

The Guy who owned the Bravo at Donny in the Park got in contact with Nige who passed his details onto me.
I've sent a mail to Brendan that was his name, Do you mind if I give him your no.?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What biggest size speakers for doors in bravo?

Yes that fine Si.

Now I remember his name...... Brendan

He was a really nice guy shame we don't see hime on the forum. I loved his car too. Need to have a listen to that system!!

I reckon by the looks of what he had in there it would have made your ears bleed!!

what is the point in getting an adaptor to fit 13cm speakers when 5x7 is just as big? well almost,which would sound better 5x7 or round 13cm

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