Technical Wet Truck

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Technical Wet Truck


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Jul 10, 2012
I have a punto evo and my truck is wet inside , i have dried it before a week but after a rainy day it got wet again, the first time it was full with water under the reserve tire. How is it possible and what to check, any advice or guide or any link for more information. Thank you in advance.
I have a punto evo and my truck is wet inside , i have dried it before a week but after a rainy day it got wet again, the first time it was full with water under the reserve tire. How is it possible and what to check, any advice or guide or any link for more information. Thank you in advance.

Sorry guys i meant trunk*
Generally water only gets in at seals, where moving panels fit, or external bits are fitted. Or where sealing plugs are displaced. Occasionally seams leak, but this is rare.

First, is the water clean or dirty?
Clean indicates rain. Possibly hatch seal or rear lamps. May be aerial if at the back of the roof, but you'd usually get a wet rooflining first. You could try or consider any or all of the following.

Does the rear hatch fit properly? Put talcum powder on the sealing edge of the seal and close the door against it gently. Open it again and check it has met the seal properly all around. Leave the talc there, it will show traces if water leaks past.

Remove the trunk carpet and wheel. Sprinkle talc around the edge of the wheel well. This will show from where the water is arriving.

With the carpet out, run water over the rear lamps and see if it arrives in the trunk. May need to shut yourself inside, while a helper pours the water on. If the rear lamps are not sealing, remove the seals and turn them over. You effectively get a new seal.

Dirty is thrown up from the wheels. Look for missing plugs.
That's for sure a great advice of tracking it , really thank you . It is clean i am sure it is from rainning , i'll check that out as you said. Have a nice day.
I sealed the crack (grey area) in both sides as circled with the red one in the left, the water was pooring from there i saw it by myself, i havent tried it yet but i think this was the problem bcs it was the only source.


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You've sealed the inner panels. But how is the water getting into the area behind it? And where will it go now it cannot escape to the trunk?

My guess is that the rear lamp seal is letting it into that area. You'll need to check that it can now escape through some drain holes, or the box section will fill up.
Yes you are right about that point of thinking, it has crossed my mind but it is a bit difficult for me to open the rear lamp seat i dont know how if it has screws from within except the two outter screws. Anyway until now i have poored a lot of water from top and it all goes under the car, nothing inside as i can see. :)
Your handbook should show how to change a rear lamp bulb. On most cars this means removing the lamp from the car. If your bulb holder is removable from inside the trunk, the two outer screws are probably what holds the lamp on. There will be hooks into holes opposite the screws. Once the lamp is off, the seal hopefully will peel off and you can refit it inside out to gain a "new" seal.
Well i pulled out the rear lamps , and yes there were a lot of dust behind those lamps ,both of them blocking the way out of the water , i cleaned it them and refitted them ... now lets see if it goes on.

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