Wax for £40??

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Wax for £40??


New member
Mar 2, 2008
Currently using Autoglyms Hd wax on my black gp. im reasonably happy with the results but i find that the wax has worked better on my dads silver car opposed to my black one. was wondering if anyone reccomends another wax? Collinite? Dodo juice blue velvet or purple haze? or another? dont really want to spend more than £40.

cheers Ed
where did you buy it from?? i got mine from halfrauds haha.
firstly snow foam, then used dodo juice born to be mild shampoo then used the autoglym hd wax... it did come up fairly good.. but i found using autoglyms aqua wax pretty much as good as its so much cheaper. need to clay my car also, dont know if u can recomend me one?
I use Collinite 915. Looks great. Works best on darker colours IMO.

My method has been snow foam, wash, clay then wax. Re do the wax once every 3 months and clay about October and then in March/April after the winter road mess.
harley wax of e bay, its a finishing paste after you done all yer wasin and normal polishing. good stuff, no powder like some of the autoglym products, i think i paid about 25 for a small tub, i am reall a fussy sod too with detailling so it cant be too bad......
I used collinite 915 on my parents black jag and blue porsche, It looks really good, and got better after a few days. It does look better on the blue though... Ive heard its good on darker colours. Im about to use it on my red 500