Technical Urgent help needed: Bleeding coolant

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Technical Urgent help needed: Bleeding coolant

Feb 24, 2021
Hello all and thank you for your help.

I sort of have the same question but slightly different than this one.

Bravo 2 1.4 T-JET

I have just replaced the thermostat and filled up with 50/50 coolant and water in the reservoir up until the plastic marker inside the reservoir. We started the car with cap off and let it idle. I opened the heater and switched off the A/C. After a while the pipe between the thermostat and radiator became very hot telling me the thermostat opened. But, and this is my question: when we opened the plastic drain plug at the bottom of the radiator, no water came out. I know the radiator is not blocked because when I blew on the pipe connected to the thermostat, water came out from the reservoir.
At what temperature does the radiator fan switch on? The fan also switched on.
How can I be sure that the radiator is filled with water?

Thanks for your help.
The only other way to check is to take off the bottom radiator hose and see if anything comes out…Top up again afterwards if anything comes out!
I think it opens at about 80 degrees (thermostat) but someone else will know for sure