Tuning Upgrading Bravo Brakes

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Tuning Upgrading Bravo Brakes

I'm using MTEC brakes from U.K..they're pretty value for $$$ in my opinion.. Bites better than stock brakes with Mintex pads
Hi guys.

Do any of you know ate brakes and have you used it before?
What is the quality like and so on?

ATE is one of the better cheap brands.

but pop around to Ferobrake and get some advice from the guys in the knpw
speak with these guys

i just bought front set of zimmerman drilled discs and ate ceramic pads for £175 delivered:

We can provide the following:

Original ATE discs + ATE Ceramic Pads + postage to UK 219€

Crossdrilled ZIMMERMANN discs + ATE Ceramic Pads + postage to UK 199,-

kind regards
Carsten Wimmer

Trasham 83
94161 Ruderting

Steuernummer: 153/288/40909
USt.-ID: DE 193 196 738

Bankverbindung: Wimmer Autoteile - Konto 100 128 538 - BLZ: 740 627 86 - Raiffeisenbank Passau-Nord e.G.

Tel.: 0049 / 8509 / 2509
Fax: 0049 / 3212 / 1322910
Mail: [email protected]

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look what arrived today :cool:


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my brakes are done after 30 000km :/

so now i will be looking at brakes locally lol
I went for the EBC Turbogrooves + greenstuff all round on my 1.9 150. They definitely made a huge difference, but it could have simply been that the standard pads were rubbish!

Partly it was down to looks, but I've had EBC TG on several difference cars and always done the job. Never had a problem with squeal on the Bravo either - I believe the cure is alot of copper grease when fitting.

The main purpose of the grooves / dimples is to disperse gases, help keep the discs cool and to help prevent glazing. Ultimately though its the pads that physically stop you!

I am still taking it chill so have not braked from high speed but thusfar brakes are very responsive and i can feel the difference immediately. Cant wait for the 300km suggested city driving to be complete before i can start testing the crap out of them. Will give feedback when this test is done on how they perform.
we added opel tS powerbrakes to a friend of mine's corsa, and another friend's S2000 so i know how hard they stop.

turns out Sandown motors were talking crap, im on 36500 and my brakes are still fine according to Ferobrake

I have done a couple of thousand km and no problems what so ever. Brakes works great and no noise or shudders. Happy happy

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My standard breaks are squeeking rang fiat and still av 50%front pads left only fronts I can here wen stoping 15mph downwards really annoying had then copper greased no different the brembo pads any ideas fiat bravo sports 1.4 09 plate 15000 on clock