General twin sunroof panda's

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General twin sunroof panda's

Jan 9, 2005
Solihull, Birmingham
as some of you know i'm possibly getting one this weekend, i'll be driving it daily to work which is about an hour drive, is the twin sunroof panda a good choice? Whats it like in winter weather? Its a really tough decission wether to go for the twin sunroof or not, i want a panda that will last a few years and will be fine all year round... any thoughts?
pantalaimon said:
as some of you know i'm possibly getting one this weekend, i'll be driving it daily to work which is about an hour drive, is the twin sunroof panda a good choice? Whats it like in winter weather? Its a really tough decission wether to go for the twin sunroof or not, i want a panda that will last a few years and will be fine all year round... any thoughts?
If your heater matrix is good, i wouldn't worry about the insulation too much... the biggest difference between the rag tops and the hard tops is the noise... and possibly the leaks. buy some gloves just in case. it's not even that cold anyway...
I have the twin sunroofs, even though they are slightly worn around the seams they have never leaked water. It doesnt matter if its light dizzle or mega thunderstorm weather it still dry inside.

Cons - bit more road/wind noise when driving above 40mpg

Pros - Ace in the summer!(y)

Even in the cold weather (-10.5 here last week) its fine. I did however buy a car cover that just covers the roof and windows. But I only fit it when we are going to have a frost.

they dont' leak, there's a good half inch lip round the roof and a big chunky seal that stops water getting in. And the stuff the roof is made of seems bomb proof. I put a new one on Juppy just to make him look abit better as the old one was fraying at the edges but still kept the water out.

but it is a bit more noisy thou but they're are ways and means to cope with that. Ask Pandafan Chris about his pipe lagging on the roof supports!:D

I agree with all points. Unless it's in terrible condition there shouldn't be any leaks at all. Do make sure the roof can be secured properly when closed, though, as the clips (particularly at the back) tend to break. (y)
pantalaimon said:
as some of you know i'm possibly getting one this weekend, i'll be driving it daily to work which is about an hour drive, is the twin sunroof panda a good choice? Whats it like in winter weather? Its a really tough decission wether to go for the twin sunroof or not, i want a panda that will last a few years and will be fine all year round... any thoughts?
Just have two pandas! one for the summer and one for the winter.
THen have a 4x4 with and one without the sunroofs just in case!:p
Steve said:
I don't like them personally. They're noisy, colder than a roof and generally a nuisance.

But when the sun is belting down and you get into a car which seems to have a cabin hotter than a blast furnace, opening that roof becomes an absolute joy. You can feel the heat escaping.

Some of my classic twin sunroof moments:

Going back to when I was at college, me and my mate endured a particularly dull History lesson. Luckily there's a 25 minute break afterwards to wake up in. Instead of drinking vast quantities of coke or coffee, we jumped in my Panda, whipped the roof back and had ourselves pummeled by freezing cold air in a quick drive around.

And at Christmas when we all met up, one of my mates was particularly drunk and somehow we all ended up going for a drive around in my car again. Don't worry, I hadn't been drinking. Halfway through the journey my drunken mate discovered the roof opened, and opened it. Cue everyone else complaining of being bloody freezing. Anyway he started poking his head out the top and what have you so I headed for Kelsall hill (dual carriageway and pretty steep!) and went down because he wouldn't stop. Needless to say by the time we got to the bottom he'd quietened down. He either swallowed a load of flies or his brain froze and seized or something!

And of course all the times in the summer when a journey becomes a nice relaxed jaunt with the roof back, in no hurry to go anywhere.

Back to the car, now is pretty much the best time to get one as it's still cold. Come summer prices will start to climb as people seek a car for fun in the sun.
FuzzyPanda said:
But when the sun is belting down and you get into a car which seems to have a cabin hotter than a blast furnace, opening that roof becomes an absolute joy. You can feel the heat escaping...

You just wouldn't let it lie, would you! Enough already!!! ;-)

Nice too.
What you need is a sunroof like mine, it can be taken out so its a bit like a twin sunroof (sort of). You can just about see the sunroof in this picture...


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well alot of seat marbellas came with this type of sunroof, so if you get one from a scrapped car, it should be quite easy to put in, but i have never tried as my panda came with this sunroof when new.

P.S... this is also the same type of sunroof as Alan has in his sisley.