Technical Trouble starting in the morning????

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Technical Trouble starting in the morning????

Cheyn reaction

New member
Dec 7, 2009
On the Highway to Hell!
Hi all,
Hope you can help me this prob im experirencing with my Punto.
In the mornings esp when its cold, i have trouble starting it and almost thought it wouldn't start today :eek:

When I turn the key the engine is trying to turn over but wont straight away then after 3 or 5 seconds (of trying) it turns and fires up with no probs...doesnt stutter or cut out etc.

Is it the battery that needs replacing or something else like starter motor?

Any help would be much appreciated guys and gals

The test box might say the %age charge in the battery. Mine showed 30% charge after 10 minutes driving when previously it had been 100% flat.

I had 30% of nothing so the battery was actually shot. I tried to start the car; it turned then went dead. This time the tester showed an internal short.

I paid the extra £20 for a Bosch Silver battery.