Off Topic Top Gear is cr*p

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Off Topic Top Gear is cr*p

Oct 26, 2012
Clacton on Sea essex
I may be in a minority of one here but I cannot abide Top Gear; Or worshipping Jeremy Clarkson with his two stooges, as it appears to be.
The BBc in their wisdom decided to dump the original concept..... At which point Channel 5 took over the previous TP presenters and continued in the same format; calling it 5th Gear.
In a knee jerk reaction Auntie Beeb approached Clarkson and offered a blank sheet of paper so long as he could deliver at show.
Now I wouldn't deny that Top Gear is probably the most watched programme on TV worldwide, on iplayer and as repeats on cable channels. But to say that was an endorsement would be the same as saying a zillion flies eat sh*t so sh*t is good.
If public hanging and naked housewives were on TV then I expect their ratings might appain dizzy heights as well.
If assessing a vehicles performance/durability involves dropping it from a crane, setting fire to it or driving it into the sea; then I am surprised it isn't included in the brochures.
I hear a lot about saving vehicles for prosterity and how wanton vandalism, in the form of stripping cars for spares prematurely, is a disgrace and yet every week millions tune in to get their fix of cars being abused, exploited and ridiculed while they are placed in situations that were never part of the design remit.
"Oh but it's only a TV programme" I hear you say.
OK so we are all petrol heads and it's only a bit of fun.
So you think that as 'Punters' TP has any respect for you.?
Wat about turning up at a classic vehicle show and then banger racing three rareish Beemer convertibles. Was that not supposed to be offensive.? Or was it just a bit of a laugh.
Don't you just love seeing a car you can't afford being trashed when your TV license is paying for this orgy of indulgence for the few.
And yet how quick are we all to critisise anyone who doesn't care for a Panda.
I might just write to the BBc and suggest that I haven't seem a small Fiat burnt by a jet engine recently.

So this is what I think. What about you then..?(n)
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I'm afraid I love it - a bunch of overgrown kids appealing to a bunch of overgrown kids (y)

No problem at all with them trashing BMW 3 series - they are 10 a penny and weren't examples worth saving iirc.

The episode I had a hang up about was the one where JC trashed a nice Coupe. I could hardly watch it the first time, so I sort of know what you mean. There are others I had a shudder about, but if you don't like their antics there is an off button.

I suspect this is the reverse of costing the licence fee payer money. The show is syndicated worldwide and has huge ratings and lucrative spin-offs (merchandise, magazines, books, live shows etc) for the BBC. They must make a fortune from it. (y)
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I like it, but they do wind me up when they go off on one sometimes! Over all though I look forward to the new series starting when it's been off for a while. And let's not forget they did make a panda limousine once, still in Beaulieu motor museum I believe.
I must say, I used to enjoy tuning in to the bigger challenges, i.e. trekking across Africa, US, Vietnam etc. Things like Star in a reasonably priced car, the news, cool wall etc, I never cared for. One thing I don't like about it though, as the series' have progressed they seem to get more far fetched and as they are trying too hard with comedy. It's always the same things to try and get a laugh, and that's really boring now.

It's entertaining, but I'm not a huge fan. Not a huge fan of 5th Gear either.
I thoroughly enjoy it, it's 'fun' and meant to be that way, would you really want to watch hatchbacks every week? I wouldn't, I want to see the cars I dream about wanting.

It is terrible I agree, the general public are not creative. They thrive off destruction and things blowing up. And to be fair sometimes that is fun, but not when it is something rare. However, the Morris Marina is also rare, and also followed by a select few...

So I know you might be upset but I would rather not have a Piano dropped on a small Fiat every week to amuse the hooligans of the world and urge you NOT to write in!!!

They do get it right though sometimes, and most of the time it is just harmless fun watching big kids with a slightly too large budget make tits of themselves. I think I especially like the Road trip bits although they do poorly represent the UK :eek:.

Just my thoughts, but of course up to you what you do.


...has someone actually read the Mirror today?
I think in its more lucid moments it can be great telly, but for the most part it long since descended into self parody. It also on occasion reminds me of The Last of the Summer Wine typically with 3 idiots rolling down a hill in a bathtub to a laughter track.

The 80s series was much worse though with its dry as dust format. Having said that I would love to see the original Richard Woolard review of the Y10
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Jeremy Clarkson kissed a girl (an ex') who wasn't his wife!!!! :eek:

Infidel! The sooner we get Shakira law so we can burn them all the better.
"Shakira Law" is what a left fundamentalist from UKIP called Sharia Law throughout an interview a couple of years ago.

I guess if you lie you get your hips broken with sledge hammers.
It was Top Gear 'James May' that got me even thinking about Fiat!

Now I've a shiney new Panda TA lol
Not that I'm normally one for grumbling about off topic chat and all, but surely this is 'leisure lounge' fodder. One of their favourite topics, like asking Pandisti about transmission oil.
For the record I love Top Gear. When they do a challenge which ends up being fatal to the car they do usually mysteriously finish up with a lemon to start with rather than trashing a minter. You may grumble about what they do but given the chance to do that job.... Hell yeah:slayer:
I'm afraid I love it - a bunch of overgrown kids appealing to a bunch of overgrown kids (y)

No problem at all with them trashing BMW 3 series - they are 10 a penny and weren't examples worth saving iirc.

Now "that detective is the right question"

And why we are not off topic.

Why oh why do we have this knee jerk reaction to anyone stripping a Panda to provide the rest of us with spares and yet "see above"
My reasonably rare 'Panda' would have been scrapped a long time ago if I did not have the recourse to lots of helpful and supportive Fiat owners who are happy to provide me with the parts I need; often at very little cost relative to worth. The important thing is keeping another one on the road.
I'm enjoying this................:)