tom baker

Currently reading:
tom baker

Aug 4, 2004
the jokes wearing thin now, little britain, the text service, now almost every ad on radio and tv, is you tom, and i'm reaching reaching the conclusion your voice is not unique and distinctive, it's annoying, pompous and self important....anyway peter davison was a far better dr who, bite me...
Now where do you want to be bitten :eek: and tom baker was Dr Who along with Jon Pertwe (y) none of the others cam remotely close :)
turboned said:
the jokes wearing thin now, little britain, the text service, now almost every ad on radio and tv, is you tom, and i'm reaching reaching the conclusion your voice is not unique and distinctive, it's annoying, pompous and self important....anyway peter davison was a far better dr who, bite me...

I have never had any probs with your comments before turboned but im afraid this time you overstepped the mark severely.(n)
How can you even contemplate mentioning a 2nd rate actor in the same sentence as the legendary Tom baker i really dont understand.I suggest you go and lock your thoughts on this matter in a cell and give them the wet blanket treatment.:eek:
Like Phil said, there has only been 2 proper Drs-Tom Baker and the phenomenal,outstanding John Pertwee.They even had to repell a better standard of baddies/monsters(remember the sea devils?).(y)
Peter Davison.............PAHHHH, a namby pamby fairy about as convincing as a wet flannel!:p
Now then, "anyone for a jelly baby?":slayer:
MATT 68 said:
How can you even contemplate mentioning a 2nd rate actor in the same sentence as the legendary Tom baker i really dont understand.

Oh turboned is a cinematic god:worship: and in his spare time a policeman:devil: , I'm afraid he will have to arrest you for such attacks on his critique!:p

Liam, in regard to the dictionary link-Critique>Regarded by many as pretentious jargon. Try to avoid useage.
In other words ----->Speak bloody English:D LOL
and in regards to you forewarning me about turboned being a cinematic God, he may well be but he certainly wouldnt qualify as a tv critic(y)