Technical to good to be true

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Technical to good to be true


New member
Feb 6, 2012
Hi everyone i seem to spend more time on here then anyware at the moment.

To start i got a 2002 punto elx nearly a month ago i got it cheap so thought get in there with it been from a friend, turns out it was to good to be true.

ive noticed the rear bumper on the back passanger side is starting to come away i can nearly get my fingers in the gap its no ware near flush, any tips to get this back flush as i can not get the screw to tighten up at all it wont move.

the rear screen wash only feeds water when it want to its very hit and miss, tryd cleaning the holes in the nozel out but no futher forward still the same.

raditor fan needs replacing or so the last service said so im unsure:confused:,

any help or tips would be greatly recived

The rear bumper is held on via 2 screws at the top each side
They go into plastic mounts - so they should move with ease tbh
(2 at the bottom, 4x at top under boot lid, 2 on the other side)
If there is a rear splash guard, consider that this as well

What makes you say they wont move? Putting enough elbow into them?

The rear washer nozzle sounds blocked to me
Try taking the rear light out - removing the nozzle off the rear pipework
check pipework is getting water through
Leave the nozzle in a sonic bath or in warm water - regulary blowing through it to try and clear the blockage


Radiator fan, it says it needs replacing, but why?
seized? squeaky? poor spin speed? Need more details

let engine get upto temperature and see if it work, if it work it works leave it alone
if it doesn't and car start to overheat - switch off immediatly

ive noticed the rear bumper on the back passanger side is starting to come away i can nearly get my fingers in the gap its no ware near flush, any tips to get this back flush as i can not get the screw to tighten up at all it wont move.

Oh dear.

The screws that hold the bumper at the back onto the chassis legs can be a total nightmare to get out. They rust solid, and the tiny torx recess rusts out, then you've got a job in getting them out. I had this issue, it was no fun.

The ones near the wheel arch are likely to be solid with rust too, but they are easier to get out as they go into plastic inserts.

The fact that your bumper is moving would make me think that the mounting points have rusted off the car body....
The rear bumper is held on via 2 screws at the top each side
They go into plastic mounts - so they should move with ease tbh
(2 at the bottom, 4x at top under boot lid, 2 on the other side)

the bottom ones are screwed into captive nuts on chassis legs, not plastic inserts
The recess just gathers water and rusts, welds the whole lot together, and the lot just rots away from the leg
Coupled with a torx head:cry:.