Technical Tjet boost warning lights

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Technical Tjet boost warning lights


New member
May 21, 2008

I got a TMC box for my tjet about 6 months ago and found that when the turbo was on full boost the ASR would turn off, mill light would turn on and Hill holder would become unavailable. These warning lights would stay on until I turned off the car. When restarting the car only the mill light would stay on but after a day or so the mill lamp would go off. I put this down to the TMC box so I removed it yesterday after having it on for 6 months. Then today I accelerated hard in 5th and at full boost the warnings came on again. It's as if the boost is confusing the ECU, would disconnecting the battery help?

Would appreciate any help, thanks!
May sound a bit obvious, but have you gone over the engine bay to check all the boost hoses are properly connected (none are split or loose or anything)?

I had these faults in my t-jet, sadly for me my battery was on its way and holding no charge so I bought a new one and the problems never came back, yours sounds a bit different as my car would die as soon as you went over 10mph