tinting ;) (i knw this is gona cause contraversy- but who cares!)

Currently reading:
tinting ;) (i knw this is gona cause contraversy- but who cares!)



ok guys i got hold of this place based in swaffham thanks to neil - near peterborough, i have managed to negiotiate a special price for window tinting :) sorry dug lol
anyway i have got 3 people who r up for it so far and another 2 hopefully. if ne1 wants to get their car done let me knw on this post. the price will b roughly 100 quid each - this is professionaly done - with a lifetime guarantee with special film they got.

amit :)
Good idea m8, when u get it done hope u can post a pic and show us how it looks.
Did u sell ur hlx wheels, I have been on holiday and was quite interested, oh well maybe someone else will sell some soon.
Re: Re: tinting ;) (i knw this is gona cause contraversy- but who cares!)

i still got em m8. my refurbed ones r coming back on tues. email me an offer if ya is wanting em!

I had profesionally tinted windows in my 200sx Turbo. They make driving so much more relaxing both day and night. However I had the 200 done because of the rake of the rear screen (if you have ever had one you would understand!)

Problem was I had the p155 ripped out of me because the car looked like a pimp mobile! (It was bright red to be fair!)

I do like tints, especially silver on silver cars. I dont think I will be going for it on my yellow HGT as it would like like a bumble bee, although the thought did cross my mind.

You have to be careful of cyclists though and motorcyclists dont like you because they cant see that you have seen them, if you follow.

If you get a profesional comapny to do it they will offer a range of tints with different glare and heat reductions, you should then pick out what you want. Stuff I had on the 200SX was 85% glare and 76% heat reduction. Its a real hard job to do on big curved screens as well ,although the Bravo should be too bad.


Nige the modder
Re: Tinting

cheers nige (wow i didnt get bad mouthed - that makes a change, now that i have said this i probably will lol!! :)


Amit, as you so well know, you must inform your insurance company. Your premium will go up but you do need to tell them.

If you have an accident with tinited windows you are immediately in the wrong because of the vision thing, and you will be prosecuted if you have not told the insurance company.

I had 2 accidents (neither my fault!) in the 200SX, the final one is still going through the courts after nearly 4 years and this is mainly because if the tinted rear screen. And thats a simple she went up my backside when I was stationary!!!! i.e. it was my dfault that she hit me because I couldnt see that she was behind me - got to give her points for trying!

Re: Insurance

Did you ever see that John Wayne movie Branigan (think that's what it was called)?

There was a black E-type driven by an asassin, with pink tinted glass, red custom fretwork paint job and chrome wheels...very low key.

Perhaps pink tints would be the way forward??
Re: Re: Insurance

u cudnt keep out of this one cud u dug. nige i am telling the insurance about tints etc. they r ok wit hbody mods and dnt charge neting one top howver engine mods will result in an increased premium :|

amit :)
long way!!!!

What would it normally cost to get the windows tinted. As this does sound cheap and I looking to get it done but haven't looked into it yet.

I live in manchester so its a 170 mile there then a 170 miles back.

1 1/2 tanks of juice in my petrol efficient 1.4 Bravo.

I've previously been quoted £175. and £200. so yes £100. sounds very good, but obviously will need to see the quality of work done on Amit's car first.
Re: long way!!!!


for eg in slough they charge 225 for the same thing.

amit ;)

hi Amit,

How dark are these tints, I have a yellow HGT, an I think it would look quite nice with black smoked windows, but only a bit.
Although Nige is right, it resembles a bumble bee as it is, that would just finish it off if it is too dark.
Re: Tints

you can go as dark or as light as u want m8, light smoke wud b the best on a yellow car. :)

u can have watever shad of black u want!

U can't go as dark as u want

Sorry amit m8, but u can't. The front windows are resticted and when tinted must allow 70%(???think) light transparency, windsreen your allowed a visor stip about 7 or 8" deep.

If u go too dark the criminals best friend(pigs) can make remove it there and then.

With regards to insurance yes most don't have a problem with tints but if u go too dark they WILL screw u if u ever claim.
Re: U can't go as dark as u want

i knw there r restrictions spyder, but at the end of the day its upto the customer how dark they want to go. my last bravo was 75% (illegal) but the tinting company gave me a choice on how dark to go

Re: Re: U can't go as dark as u want

i just spoken to the bloke - his company website is overrevs.co.uk, he can come to slough do the tints, will charge 20p a mile travelling, and correction on the price - £120 all inclusive - all windows r taken out and the film goes all the way in.

Everything work out

Amit did everything workout O.K. with ins' company then. Have they repaired your car or u got another?
Re: Everything work out

yes m8 - i got my settlement thru today :) got another bravo - in the processo of modding it!
Re: Re: Everything work out

Hi Amit,

What Bravo did you get.

Also would the window lad consider coming to manchester about 170, at 20p a mile about £34.