General Tiger seal cock up

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General Tiger seal cock up


Feb 16, 2009
Tried putting my spoiler on yesterday, taped it down after tigersealing, went back to it tis morning and it wasn't very sturdy?? I pushed in on it just came off, the tiger seal had just peeled the paint off the under side of the spoiler, so my new idea is to sand the contact points of the spoiler before trying to put it on again, but there is a problem.... I have tiger seal on the car, how the hell do I get it off???
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Tried putting my spoiler on yesterday, taped it down after tigersealing, went back to it tis morning and it wasn't very sturdy?? I pushed in on it just came off, the tiger seal had just peeled the paint off the under side of the spoiler, so my new idea is to sand the contact points of the spoiler before trying to put it on again, but there is a problem.... I have tiger seal on the car, how the hell do I get it off???

sell it to me:D
Got the majority off with a stanley knife, Would it be possible to try and bond onto what is left?? Or would that not work?
Well that was simple, my dads a window fitter, he has solvent cleaner, on the bottle it says can be used to remove sealant, just applied to an old rag and rubbed like hell and it came off, all the topics I have seen about problems with tiger seal! That was too easy!
Whats a toffee wheel? pic?

Just curious as I have never heard of one before. Toffee hammer yes but never a toffee wheel.
