Thought I'd Advise...

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Thought I'd Advise...


I like my jesus to party.
Mar 20, 2009
Tamworth, Midlands
I just bought a 1.4 Active Sport 06 Plate and the cheapest insurance I found on these comparison sites was £1700. (I have PassPlus, 1 Year NCB, and I'm 18)

My mum was searching for quotes and she decided that she would ring 'More Than', as she, and the home is insurred with them, and we have been with them for a long time. She explained that we were loyal customers, and asked if there was a chance of a discount.

I managed to get it to £927 a year, fully comp.

Thought I'd let people know, hope it helps. (y)
thanks for sharing :)

i would be lucky to get it for £1700 :(

in fact i will be MADE UP if i got it for £1700

18 years old, 1 year driving, 1 fault claim, 1 non-fault claim (or possibly partial blame even though it wasnt my fault! Its in dispute now)
I had the same with More Than, I was getting quotes for £1500-£2500 for my 1.2 Punto, when I was 18, with Pass Plus, went to More Than, and got it for £996 for the year, fully comp.

Although, due to crappy customer service, I dont recommend them at the moment (Unless they can make my renewal REALLY cheap)
And now the flip side.

My mum was paying about 70 quid a month for me to be insured on my first Punto. Well, I was paying, but her account. Anyway, long story short, after about 7 months, we had to ring them as there was an issue with my private plate registration which meant we couldn't tax the car until it was resolved.

It then alleged that I hadn't been covered for 7 months as, and I quote, 'More Than do not insure anybody under the age of 21'. Now, we found this a bit suspect, considering we put in my DOB, and my age, and neither brought up any issues. In my certificate it even had the age. But they were adament that if I were to crash, they would not pay out because it's just their policy.

So my mum dragged her feet after giving them a piece of her mind, and managed to get a bit of money back from them, as essentially we were paying for a service we were not receiving. And then went onto Lloyds insurance.

They tried to blame it on a faulty computer system, which is ******** as I put in my age twice, and they must have known it to print out the certificate.