the texas 72oz steak challenge

Currently reading:
the texas 72oz steak challenge

My husband and I ate at the Big Texas Steak Ranch last summer and even though neither of us attempted the 72oz challenge, we enjoyed it a lot - it's pure kitsch. The food is not amazing, but it's in good quantities at cheap prices. Even the cocktails are huge: 20oz (=1 UK pint). What your article doesn't mention is that there's a motel attached: with cow print bed spreads and other wonderfully Texan touches. We stayed in the motel and had breakfast at the restaurant the next morning. It was all you can eat with steak included in the normal line up.
Beth, London

Awesome, I'm off to Texas!
Sod that, back of the line! They do a job, they get paid. I do a job, I get paid. Why should they get special treatment?

I'll give my place up to a paramedic or policeman/woman in the queue at Tesco cause I know they're catching a break while on shift... but why should the forces - while they're on their holidays - get to push infront?

Because they risk their life everyday just so we can have cheap oil they get my respect and what happens to them when they leave the forces they have nothing apart from PTSD or whatever its called and there life is over.
Because they risk their life everyday just so we can have cheap oil they get my respect and what happens to them when they leave the forces they have nothing apart from PTSD or whatever its called and there life is over.

Nurses risk more and get half as much. Not as many get killed but the number of injuries is huge, especially amongst A&E and other non-referal centres.

In my opinion, armed forces people know what they're getting themselves into. They didn't think it would be all travel and no shooting did they? :rolleyes:
Because they risk their life everyday just so we can have cheap oil they get my respect and what happens to them when they leave the forces they have nothing apart from PTSD or whatever its called and there life is over.

Their choice though at the end of the day.