General The Last Straw

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General The Last Straw


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I love my Multipla, I guess ....... but having left it into a FIAT GARAGE for a full service yesterday morning, I can't get it back now because they (wait for it) ........ can't start it ......

You see, this is what I'm talking about ..... (to quote Michael Douglas in 'Falling Down', cos that's how I feel right now about FIAT) ....
if you carnt start it and it was in for service by law its there falut they could of messed around if they give you some s***** and try two charge you tell them you seeking leagal advice and compersation.
that will get them move on and if they dont issue them with a small clames order lol :D
well, at least you can sleep happy in the knowledge that they can't presently find anything else wrong with it!

Perhaps they tried to wake him too early in the morning...?

Good luck...