the independant, with addison lee

Currently reading:
the independant, with addison lee

Aug 4, 2004
todays edition 21/03/2006, the motoring section. there's an interview with liam griffin, the MD of the above company, a very well known london based licensed mincab firm. they run about 500 vehicles, and the below is a copy of the final paragraph of the interview

"addison lee had real problems with its cars. it chose the Fiat Ulysses people carrier but found it had to replace the automatic gearbox in 210 out of 240 models. it is now bringing 475 Volkswagen Sharans into its fleet this year, a £6 million order, and is talking to Ford. "They (FIAT) are absolutly useless", says liam Griffin. "It cannot be over stated how poorly they have looked after one of their major customers. Their managing director is banned from our building"

now i see a lot of addisons vehicles on the roads, and as moving ads for the company supplying the vehicle, it makes sense. blueback, another cab firm, started out with first gen multiplas, the police like transit and merc vans. granted the margins on bulk sales must be thin. but the sight of their vehicles on the road, 24/7, must more than make up the shortfall in associated sales and revenue.

to drop the ball, as mr griffin suggests (actually downright states) smacks of extreme incompetence, and a supreme example of indifference. after all if you can't be bother with a customer who has 240 of your cars, why care with a customer who has one.........