North Scotland The FS/FF Christmas Meet

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North Scotland The FS/FF Christmas Meet

The FS/FF Christmas Meet
Posted by M21MFS
Saturday, November 30, 2013 - 12:00 AM
Until: Saturday, November 30, 2013 - 03:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Aug 3, 2004
This year, as we prepare to enter our 10th year, we'd like to move the event once again and take Fiat Scotland 'home'

So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to invite you to Aberdeen for the 2013 Fiat Scotland Christmas Bash! That's right, the home of - err - Granite is where we'll be basing our selves for our annual Festive **** up.

And what better way to celebrate than on St Andrews Day - we're looking to pencil this one in on Saturday 30th November. As normal, we'll make a weekend of this - base ourselves in a hotel, go out for a meal and then drinks afterwords.

The Plan - Updated 29th November

We're basing ourselves at the Travelodge at Bucksburn - this is just off the A96, next to McDonalds and Lidl.

Hotel check in starts at 3pm.. So, lets check in and get changed - at this late stage, getting a table has been proving difficult as officially it's the first night of Christmas bookigns. Provisionally, I've managed to book us a table at The Old Blackfriars on Castlegate for 5pm.


This is located just off of Union Street - for those of us at the Hotel the easiest way is either the 18 or 727 bus - stagecoach or first respectively.

So, fed and refreshed it's a short stumble towards Aberdeen Beachfront to Codonas for some Ten Pin Bowling. There are also dodgems, amusements etc.

Codonas do 2 games of bowling for £9.60 pp. Alternatively there are wristband deals available, offering dodgems etc.

Once we're done settling last years bowling scores, it's back into town for some drinks

Sunday am will be the traditional recovery period - once we're signed out of the hotel though we'll be heading to FS HQ for a quick photo opp (it's walking distance from the hotel ) and then we have a couple of drives planned out. These are very much weather dependant, but I'll be keeping an eye on the forecast and haven't heard of any snow due this week

Dress Code
Believe it or not, I've had at least ONE enquiry about dress code. This has never ever been an issue in the past, and it won't be this time. We're not dining or bowling at The Ritz, so yeh...wear comfortable clothing. Remember, we're right on the North Sea not only at the bar but also at the bowling, so wrap up warm. It gets a bit chilly up in the 'Deen

Assuming we do go out after (which we will) then you might want to consider shoes rather than traniers, some of the bars and clubs get a bit anal about that sort of thing. But that aside, just casual/smart casual should do.

Directions & Postcodes
Bucksburn Travelodge - AB21 9BB

To get there From south: Follow A90 into Aberdeen. At the first roundabout (Bridge of Dee) take second exit over the Bridge.

Follow A90 over Anderson Drive - follow directions for Inverurie/Inverness and the North. Once you come through a 30 mph speed limit (enforced by a fixed camera) you want to take the second exit at the next roundabout - you'll see a McDonalds on the other side of the roundabout. As you come back off of the rundabout, take the next left. You'll pass a Lidl, a McDonalds - both on your right - and will then see the travelodge at the end of the road just before the Dual Carriageway.

From the North: Follow A96 into Aberdeen - past the 40mph fixed camera, take second exit on roundabout, passing the Proppellor petrol station and ignore the first left. Take the second junction on your left and Travelodge should be clear to see on your left

Definately Attending
1. Martyn
2. Harper
3. Mike
4. Jatkinson (James)
5. Lewisp (Lewis)
6. Marti155
7. Johno
8. RyanFaeScotland
9. Gemma (Mrs RyanFaeScotland)
10. Mr Pandy

1. Rich & Gill
2. Andrew & Catherine
Quick update of names so far, copied from Fiat Scotland :)

1. Martyn
2. Harper
3. Mike (MSB89)
4. Saw
5. MrPandy

1. Richard33dees & Gill
2. Jatkinson
3. Steve119 and Shaz
4. Marti155

There are plenty of possible activities for us - ten pin bowling / fun at Codonas is a possible :)
Just a couple of weeks away folks - anyone else up for this?

If we want to do the festive menu at Blackfriars then we'll need to look at sorting out a small deposit. But if folks are happy enough to just order from the main menu then I'm sure we'll be fine (y)
Good grief M60TYN could you have found a less welcoming picture of Blackfriars? Here's a better one :p


Great pub, good food, real ale and decently priced wine plus there's usually special offers on spirits too ;)

All good reason to join us tomorrow if you're in the area :D
Great weekend and thanks to everyone who attended. The drive on the Sunday got shortened to just Stonehaven as some of us were feeling slightly er, tired shall we say. However we did do a trip to FS HQ and got a few pictures

Company in the shed for FiaSco and Yellow


Working fiats line-up


Crouching photographer hidden Panda - ok maybe not :eek::D
