I was reading an article in a magazine today that was about a retired Bishop, yeah I know, I know, but just before I turned the page I noticed the following paragraph:
"The bishopric of Bath and Wells comes with more bear-traps than most. For one thing, there's the baby-eating. Ever since Blackadder told Baldrick he was being chased for a debt by the 'baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells', the image has stuck. When the last incumbent made his first visit to the House of Lords, accompanied by his five-week-old grand-daughter, the Bishop of Southwark remarked:
'I see the Bishop has brought his own lunch.' "
But then I've always thought clergymen were some of the best comedians in the country.
"The bishopric of Bath and Wells comes with more bear-traps than most. For one thing, there's the baby-eating. Ever since Blackadder told Baldrick he was being chased for a debt by the 'baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells', the image has stuck. When the last incumbent made his first visit to the House of Lords, accompanied by his five-week-old grand-daughter, the Bishop of Southwark remarked:
'I see the Bishop has brought his own lunch.' "
But then I've always thought clergymen were some of the best comedians in the country.