Technical tappety when cold

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Technical tappety when cold


this is where i stand
Oct 8, 2003
howdy. i don't like hydraulic tappets. they're clicky and tappy and sound rubbish BUT this is what i have, when cold starting there is one that is quite loud. The engine has covered approx 40k in the stilo and 1k in my car. I was planning to flush it and do oil / filter change in approx 500miles but since this tappet is making more of a fuss - should i bring that forward? Is it causing damage, or just being noisy?

I'm swapping from 10w40 to 5w40, also what about semi or fully snythectic - and why?
fiat say 10w40 in the stilo and 5w40 in the GP. so i went with 10w40 to begin with. I'll flush it and stick some 5w40 in, see what it sounds like then
if they are anything like vauxhall engines....

get the head off and remove the cams and get the buckets off the valves and tap them on a hard surface to remove the tappets inside and then pop back in once the oil drains out and rebuild, then run it up as itll sound like a bag of spanners till the tappets set themselves again
Mine also does this but on the 1.1 engine in a sei sporting would like to get it sorted as nice induction sound, nice rumble janspeed back box aaaand....... constant tapping on tick over... bit of a let down lol!
Cause I'm unbelievably lazy I tried tapped noise reducer when I had a noisy tappet, ran it for 5 mins no difference swore and dug out the tools, then & re-started the engine to get it on ramps, for convenient working height, there was no noise on restart ... no noise!

Try Halfords first...

Cause I'm unbelievably lazy I tried tapped noise reducer when I had a noisy tappet, ran it for 5 mins no difference swore and dug out the tools, then & re-started the engine to get it on ramps, for convenient working height, there was no noise on restart ... no noise!

Try Halfords first...


But reducing the noise -- on an engine with non-hydraulic tappets, is not what it's about. Wonder why it even worked?
You should be able to do it yourself, after you lift the cam shaft cover, the clearance can be measured easily (normal feeler gauge set) and with a home made tool (bent screw driver sort off) the shim can be extracted, and the next size up or down bought from Fiat dealer.

The trick is to reuse as many of the existing shims as possible although they are only a few euros each.

The difficult bit is getting the cover back on so it does not leak oil. It will probably be leaking already...

This procedure is part of the 40k miles service.

One or more of my tappets used to sound awfull cold and they would still sound loud even when warm. Aparrantly my tappets would have drained while my head was stripped, maybe that helps. After the rebuild with selenia oil they make very little to no sound when cold and no sound when warm.

The only other thing I did was make sure the rubber grommets to the tappet oil feed where clean and unblocked, a couple where clogged with plastic swarf from the manufacturing process. Though I expect your engine is totaly different.

Do you have any pictures under your 1.4 rocker cover?

EDIT: My 12v tappets are hydraulic/self adjusting
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Arc, you not worried? it all started with noisy tappets for me but then the piston disappeared. lol, maybe you have the same curse? Dont be trying to red line in 4th gear early saturday morning heading for some overtime. It'll end in tears :''(