Technical Switch behind heater control panel

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Technical Switch behind heater control panel


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Hi all!
While replacing the bulbs on the heater control panel today, I managed to unclip a small switch that was sitting by the hot/cold dial. After a good amount of swearing I *think* I got it in place, and it seems to be triggered when the heater is turned to almost full heat (about 3 a clock).

What does this switch do, and does it seem correct that it activates that way?

Is it actually a switch (with trigger/lever) or could it be a temperature sensor ? I can't see any such switch in the eLearn drawings ...

BRs, Bernie

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Is it actually a switch (with trigger/lever) or could it be a temperature sensor ? I can't see any such switch in the eLearn drawings ...

BRs, Bernie

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Nah, it's a switch. A micro-switch with a metal springy lever, and it's clipped into the holder I marked in this (borrowed) picture.

I think it's activated by the wedge-shaped thing to the left of it.

I was thinking it might be something that disables the A/C if you don't have the temp knob set to coolest, but as I wrote it seems to push down on hot instead. And I've not seen a car that can't run warm air while the A/C is activated.
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... but as I wrote it seems to push down on hot instead...

could it start the blower when you ask for warm air ? Would make sense ...

BRs, Bernie

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