Desperately need help here. I give up on this one and it's beyond my mechanical knowledge. Due to a backfiring issue, I heeded the advise of a few on this thread I started and I just changed a worn timing chain...
But now there is something different. I drove the car to a restaurant last night and when I went to go home, it would not start. I had to have it towed.
I have been asking Hobbler via email, but I can't keep bothering him with this so I'm going to everyone on here in hopes someone else has had this issue. When I pulled out spark plug number one (cylinder that is at the front of motor when looking at it through rear cover), the motor starts and runs on one cylinder. There is spark on cylinder one as I got shocked and I see the spark. When I put spark plug one back in, it won't start. I have a 123 ignition and just adjusted the tappets to the recommended clearance. I even changed the carb back to the original in hopes it was that and still nothing. The motor turns over but won't run so it's not the battery either. I give up at this point and I have no clue what the issue is. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :bang:
But now there is something different. I drove the car to a restaurant last night and when I went to go home, it would not start. I had to have it towed.
I have been asking Hobbler via email, but I can't keep bothering him with this so I'm going to everyone on here in hopes someone else has had this issue. When I pulled out spark plug number one (cylinder that is at the front of motor when looking at it through rear cover), the motor starts and runs on one cylinder. There is spark on cylinder one as I got shocked and I see the spark. When I put spark plug one back in, it won't start. I have a 123 ignition and just adjusted the tappets to the recommended clearance. I even changed the carb back to the original in hopes it was that and still nothing. The motor turns over but won't run so it's not the battery either. I give up at this point and I have no clue what the issue is. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :bang: