General Stiff Pedals

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General Stiff Pedals


New member
Mar 14, 2014
Leicester UK
I'm either not used to this car or it really does have stiff pedals.

I can only assume that late 2007+ cars would come with lighter pedals for the cluth etc, but mines is pretty stiff.

Is there a way to make the clugh lighter?
I believe the clutch is hydraulically operated on the Bravo so there's no cable to seize up so unless the clutch pedal pivot is sticking there's probably nothing wrong. Try lifting the clutch pedal upwards slightly, if it moves easily then nothing is likely to be wrong and it might be normal for this car, have you tried the clutch operation on other cars which don't have a clutch cable operation, have you asked someone else to try your clutch and see if they think it's normal or heavy?

I'll have to give this a go, others have driven my car but they have not mentioned the clutch to me, so might just be me lol
I've just bought a 2007 Bravo 150 1.9 mj and wowzers my clutch is very stiff too and very springy. I'm a bloke and it actually hurts my ankle after a session in traffic.

Garage have confirmed its a hydraulic clutch.

Anyone else shed light or have a solution. Did I read somewhere it could be an issue with slave cylinder and may not need a new clutch which sounds big money.
