Styling Stickers

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Styling Stickers


By clicking the submit button you accept the terms and conditions. HOWEVER it appears that when you click on the terms and conditions to view them, that part isnt working at the moment. I shall make @ben aware.

With regards to the code, if you click "get different code" underneath, keep clicking it until you get one thats easier to see. The code is case sensitive so make sure that a G is a G and not a g. (its just taken me a few goes to get it right)

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By clicking the submit button you accept the terms and conditions. HOWEVER it appears that when you click on the terms and conditions to view them, that part isnt working at the moment. I shall make @ben aware.

With regards to the code, if you click "get different code" underneath, keep clicking it until you get one thats easier to see. The code is case sensitive so make sure that a G is a G and not a g. (its just taken me a few goes to get it right)


sorted now cheers. (y)
it must of been my pc /glitch :confused: worked straight away this time
and managed to order some,
Is it worth making a guide for applying the stickers? I know it may be easy for some but I struggled a bit at first with no instructions so went on YouTube for guidance :p

Still had to re-do the m though I'm glad you get 3 in a pack!
Sounds a bit stupid, but what is the difference between the external and internal stickers?
Im guessing the external go on the outside and internal goes on the inside (kind of obvious) but does it matter what goes where?

The main difference is where the adhesive is! The internal ones will be back-to-front if you put them on the outside...! :eek:

The external ones may also be more weather-proof, I guess, as well.... :confused:
The external ones may also be more weather-proof, I guess, as well.... :confused:

The material used is identical. Generally speaking, if you want them on a window use internal as they'll be less likely to be damaged during washing. External for all other areas of bodywork. Each letter is separate so of course use caution when washing that you don't rub too vigorously (fnarr fnarr).
Well 4 weeks wait but... look what turned up this morning


  • Sticker 2.jpg
    Sticker 2.jpg
    1.3 MB · Views: 41
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