Technical stereo fitting issues

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Technical stereo fitting issues


New member
Aug 27, 2013
so despite scouring all over the internet and the forum i'm having great difficulty getting a philips stereo to fit in my fiat punto 55plate 1.2 active.
i have tried getting it to work through the normal plugs etc but the stereo appears to have no power. i have also tried other stereos and a harness which came with the fascia i bough. This also doesn't help.
So i believe i am right in saying that it is due to a lack of ignition feed so the stereo never knows when to come on?
am i right?
not really sure where to go from here. have considered running a lead from the cigarette lighter and trying that as the ignition feed.
Would that work?
I don't know what phillips stereos are like but with my aftermarket sony HU i dont need an ignition feed, mine is powered on its own, ie when i start/turn off the car stereo isn't affected, i have to use the power button, which is good and bad, good because i dont need keys/ ignition to be on to use my HU speakers & sub but bad as i can forget to turn it off.. so back to the original subject you shouldnt need an igntion feed to power it its the other wiring/harness that powers it all, dunno if this will help but you never know! Arran!
thank you the last post is the answer i was after :)
It's correct you don't need ignition feed to put in an after-market stereo, downside to this as already mentioned is it will always be powered direct from the battery so you can turn it on/off without the key being in the ignition, so that's a plus.

But the main downside is ,if you're forgetful and forget to turn it off after using the car, you'll come back to a car that won't start cause the stereo will eat at your battery!

But to be honest it's easy as pie to wire an after-market stereo to ignition feed so it'll turn on/off with the key, which I've always liked my old car had that feature, and I wanted that feature in this car so I wired to ignition feed. :)

But if you're not bothered about those downsides, go ahead and fit that stereo. (y)
