Stating the obvious really ...

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Stating the obvious really ...

Nov 18, 2007

At least it wasn't gov't funded but still, no $hit Sherlock.
As for my take on this issue, it's survival of the fittest imo, and I don't just mean physically but mentally if you want to survive you need to toughen up.
I was victimised at school for soo many things (wearing glasses, being skinny, reading comics, being able/willing to answer questions in class, etc etc etc) and it's made me a stronger person mentally. To coin a phrase ...

... MAN UP!
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so the answer to bullying is to blame the victims?

No, the answer to bullying is to accept that it will happen because that's just how people are and that the people being bullied should learn to deal with it. Of course, I am specifically referring to emotional bullying (as that's what I've experienced) rather than physical, adults call it 'taking the ****'. Violence should never be tolerated in any fashion, tbh I even think 'sports' like boxing should be outlawed as they promote violence, but that's just my opinion.

Really this is all about changing human nature and short of DNA screening and mucking with the human genome we're never going to 'solve' this problem.
No, the answer to bullying is to accept that it will happen because that's just how people are and that the people being bullied should learn to deal with it. Of course, I am specifically referring to emotional bullying (as that's what I've experienced) rather than physical, adults call it 'taking the ****'. Violence should never be tolerated in any fashion, tbh I even think 'sports' like boxing should be outlawed as they promote violence, but that's just my opinion.

Really this is all about changing human nature and short of DNA screening and mucking with the human genome we're never going to 'solve' this problem.

so you tell the victim to deal with it,and give the bully a free pass for just following their genetics that they have no control over?

boxing promotes violence? theres many have used boxing of a way to break out of a poverty cycle and make something of their life
Wow. Thank you researchers for linking increased emotional stress to suicides. Whoever presented that research proposal thinking they were being ground breaking is a tool.

Bullying is such a touchy subject though, the problem is that people never grow out of it although some points in life are worse than others but telling kids they need to stop being the victim doesn't work. Now I'm not blaming bullying on the ones getting bullied but they need to realise the reason they are being repeatedly targeted is because they give reactions that the bully wants i.e. getting upset, crying.

I got bullied a bit in grade 10, I was pretty short compared to the other guys because I was late on having a growth spurt so I got emotionally and physically picked on. One day I told them in no uncertain terms I'd had enough and the next person to lay a hand on me would need to be in a cast and they left me alone. I never broke the next guys arm but I came close enough that he never touched me again, got a dirty look every now and then but that's it.
But generally speaking (very generally) I'd imagine that by the time you make it to a working age you are far more emotionally stable than a child in school. Personally I'd take the early exit if there were no other options (I'm always inclined to do things based on the principal of the matter), people have no right to belittle anyone else. I've never been in this situation mind you, at around 6 foot tall now you don't get a lot of people trying to 'bully' you, my previous manager thought I was stupid but she was a terrible people manager so I didn't really care.
But generally speaking (very generally) I'd imagine that by the time you make it to a working age you are far more emotionally stable than a child in school. Personally I'd take the early exit if there were no other options (I'm always inclined to do things based on the principal of the matter), people have no right to belittle anyone else. I've never been in this situation mind you, at around 6 foot tall now you don't get a lot of people trying to 'bully' you, my previous manager thought I was stupid but she was a terrible people manager so I didn't really care.

you would be surprised what pressure and stress can do to people
I used to work with a SA body builder who finished his employment at our place crying in the corner in a foetal position
an image I can still recall as if it was yesterday
one persons fun and banter can be constant abuse and harrasment to another
But generally speaking (very generally) I'd imagine that by the time you make it to a working age you are far more emotionally stable than a child in school. Personally I'd take the early exit if there were no other options (I'm always inclined to do things based on the principal of the matter), people have no right to belittle anyone else. I've never been in this situation mind you, at around 6 foot tall now you don't get a lot of people trying to 'bully' you, my previous manager thought I was stupid but she was a terrible people manager so I didn't really care.

I was bullied in school as I was skinnier and taller than most of the kids, my parrents were split up and I never got the "cool in fashion" toys or clohtes. I had NHS glasses (thick tortoise shell jobbies :cool: ) and I wasn't into football, I never had bus fare or a lift so had to walk (for some reason in my school this made me a target :confused: ).

Thankfully I had the prescence of mind to "man up" and deal with the bullies. I now contribute to the economy and community. However most of the bulles I was in school with are now benebums as are some of the other kids that were bullied, notably the ones that didn't "man up".

I think there should be a better support system for the people being bullied, and that the bullies themselves should receive harsher penalties for being bullies. The problem is they know that not a lot can really be done to stop them, they can be talked to etc but not stopped, the only real way to stop it is for the people being bullied to man up and not take it anymore! By man up I don't mean turn round and kick the crap out of the bully but deal with it, even if it means going to teachers / parrents and saying "I have a problem with x bullying me". Although there's allways a time and a place for a good retaliation kicking... It certainly has helped me more than once as a child and as an adult.

I agree with Fraz to a certain extent it's survival of the fittest. We are animals there will allways be alpha and runts / dominant and submissives, to a certain degree we can choose which category we fall into.
But some of the (child) bullies are going through major problems at home etc (abuse, losing family members, etc) and are bullying to try and regain some 'power' in other parts of their life. Whilst there is no excuse to make others feel inferior both parties are usually victims.
Theres no excuse for adult bullies IMO....