Styling Sports Seats

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Styling Sports Seats


Jun 2, 2014
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted, but I do have a question to pose to the group.

As a small winter project I'm tinkering with the idea of installing sports seats. I've taken a look at the usual web-shops and the only seats in stock are the lovely Fusina seats on Ricambio's site (, which would drop right in. Once VAT is factored in the cost would be over £1,000.

I've spent a little while looking at alternatives and there are some terrific, genuine, sports seats (by brands such as Cobra) for a fraction of the cost.

The trick, here, would be getting them to fit. Does anyone have experience of getting hold of runners (or having them made) in order to fit a broader range seat options?
Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted, but I do have a question to pose to the group.

As a small winter project I'm tinkering with the idea of installing sports seats. I've taken a look at the usual web-shops and the only seats in stock are the lovely Fusina seats on Ricambio's site (, which would drop right in. Once VAT is factored in the cost would be over £1,000.

I've spent a little while looking at alternatives and there are some terrific, genuine, sports seats (by brands such as Cobra) for a fraction of the cost.

The trick, here, would be getting them to fit. Does anyone have experience of getting hold of runners (or having them made) in order to fit a broader range seat options?
Hi Peter; welcome back! The best thing that I can suggest is that you get hold of the catalogue supplied by "Car Builder Solutions" If you go onto their website, there is a section for ordering a catalogue, which they will send to you FOC! It is a little gold-mine, and has a fair selection of seat-runner kits. These can then be adapted to fit more sensibly priced seats. For the seats, look at "Demon Tweets", they have a wide range available, and they are only 15 miles from my house!
Thanks Hobbler, very useful (and I enjoyed your article in the owners club magazine that arrived yesterday!!).

So, in short (and in theory), a pair of runners like this:

Could marry up to the floor tray and also open up a new world of opportunity for sports seat? Is it that simple?

I also got your note about a pair of available seats, will reply separately.
