Technical Speedo / Dash

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Technical Speedo / Dash


New member
Feb 5, 2013
Hi Guys,

Im new to Fiats and was wondering if anyone can help, the speedo only read upto around 10mph, the milage is going up but only at the rate of 10mph,

Also on the dash where the clock / milage is it keeps flashing And ideas please,

Its a 2003 Punto 1.9 JTD

Any help appreciated
Speedo drive is more than likely broken

Is it still counting the miles?

It is still counting them yes but only at the rate of 10mph like the speedo.. I did a 14 mile round trip today and it only registered 4 miles as the speedo doesnt go past approx 10mph
electronic speed sensor fault, on older MK2s its on the gear box on newer MK2b cars its taken off the ABS wheel speed sensor.

because you're not saying you have any ABS sensor faults/warning lights i would suggest the problem is on a gearbox speed sensor