I haven't been with sky for a long time, mainly cos they wouldn't bill me for my skytalk phone, everytime I paid, they credited my TV account and refused to take anymore money, this went on for about a year, keep trying to pay the correct ammount, keep getting it back in credit....Then they took about £800 all in one go and I had to claw it back from the bank...enough hassle for me never to go back to them.
As for download limits, I always go over. I don't think that would last long, if as you say you are a frequent youtube user.
I personally am with Tiscalli. I get unlimited broadband, (comes with wireless router), Basic pack on TV (but basic isn't really that basic, includes sky1 ect) plus £6 package of all kids channels (which includes all Disney channels) Also get a kiddymote free (which controlls all the on demand kid channels and is really safe for lil ones if you have any about)
And I get phone, which is free landline (1 hour hang up) and free international and internation mobile (also to the hour)
And I no longer pay BT for my line connection (so already a saving of about £13)
All for....wait for it lol...... About £30 per month!!!! I would never swap and it still leaves me gobsmacked that I can have 3 computers, 1 laptop, the Tv on and talk on the phone....all through one lil telephone line, so no hassle about dishes stopping working when a rain cloud goes over.
EDIT: Just checked my bill for last month...it was £28.11