
Singer Chamois (Hillman Imp)


Since I piggy backed on someone elses thread about Hillman Imps I thought best that I posted up my own MM - Non Fiat about my Imp :D
funny looking sewing machine:confused:


...made just up the road from where I've lived the past 25 years. Now work in a certain DIY establishment where the factory once stood. Shame the way the British car industry went in the 70's and 80's :(

Nice retro car that though (y)
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I learned to drive in an Imp... :eek:

After I passed my test I bought a mini, the Imp was a much better car IMO, just a shame they had so many issues with that Coventry Climax engine's cooling with it being rear mounted. That engine was actually modified from a fire engine watr pump! :eek:
Lovely example! the wheels are just right. My sister had a Sunbeam Stiletto as her second car and I used to love lifting the inside front wheel on fast bends. That was thirty years ago now, but I think I've still got a trunion kit for it somewhere. :rolleyes: