Simple Pleasures in Life

Currently reading:
Simple Pleasures in Life

Is that the one that comes out the keg like syrup? :D

Its an excellent drop TBH but served in places Carl would probably not be let in... (all around the Black Country, they even do a Bathams Bus tour ffs)
i only did it as id gone to see me mate in preston and in his local the barman got us to do it as there was a few of us on a night out.
I cant believe we all did it either, my mouth was on fire

my mate got dentist chaired (lay down on a chair/bar and they tip whatever bottle into your mouth for about 30 seconds) with a bottle of absinth:yuck:

he did it twice aswell
You need to move further afield then...

Katy Fitzgeralds in Stourbridge...

ah will have to have a nosey when i get chance.

i realsied one yesterday when you are in your car and waiting to pull away and you get a perfect pull away when you wernt even planning it.

its hard to explain but i did it and flew away from the traffic lights just as they turned green:D

i know the feeling.

people dont expect it form someone with L plates its great:D
Is this wierd. The sheer agony of pushing youself to the limit on a good long run on a freezing cold day.. hell at the time but when you stop you feel great!