Sierra XR4x4, 2.8 V6 Turbo.

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Sierra XR4x4, 2.8 V6 Turbo.


Ian (Geforce)

As you guys can probably guess this is my ex car. I recently had an E-mail from the guy who purchased it and this is what it said:

"More disappointment. I talked to the engine rebuild company and they told me that their guarantee only covers their crankshaft work, which is pretty much what it says on the receipt. They also told me that they explained to you that the engine was burning oil and that the standard head gasket they fitted wasn't good enough, but that you told them to do what you asked as you didn't have enough money. So the engine rebuild guarntee is next to useless. Not as advertised.

Now today I took out the tax disc and found out it was counterfeit! I was going to cash this in to try and get some money back while I save up for a new engine. I think it would be a nice gesture in the circumstances to at least pay me for 6 months tax, £88-00 the last time I looked, or you might find the counterfeit going to the DVLA"

What happens if he sends it to the DVLA?
Re: Re: Sierra XR4x4, 2.8 V6 Turbo.

No, I'm seriously considering taking a knife to his thorat, the cheeky £$%"
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He should not have caned it. Its not as if its hard to see if an engine uses oil.. the level goes down! :)

Did you know the tax disc was a funny one? :)
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Erm, what you think?

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It would probably be bad, they are getting quite hot on that sorta thing. Not sure if they can do much after the fact so to speak. ITs his motor now.

Is your current set of wheels legitly taxed?
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My Punto, no.. I went to Tax it on Satuday but they need insurance documentation. Which I don't have at the moment hence my insurance renewal date being up in the next week. So I'm not even driving the Punto at the moment.
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How long did you own the ford for? Could you claim it came like that?
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I could do, but he also knows the guy who I bought it off, and he had it sat in his garage for the good part of nearly 3 years. I owned it for 2 monthsish.
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Ian....... lol .... never mind - Go and f**kin take his throat out the knob he sounds lol.


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He was doin XXX mph and he has the cheek to tell me there's no water in the car. No wonder? it's probably vapour by now!

Anyone any ideas what will happen if I tell him to get stuffed and send the tax disk back to the DVLA?

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Ian, tell this guy to nob off,ask him if he know's in the eyes of plod it's the duty of the registered keeper to tax the car, the worst that car happen, community service maybe,i mean hey, your not the first to tamper with tax disc's :Vehicle tax disc fraud has recently become the fastest rising car crime in the U.K. Worth up to £155, the tax disc can be stolen in moments, and, once in the hands of thieves, can be altered and used on ANY vehicle to make them appear legal. Recently the Government declared a loss of £160 million through motorists not paying road tax, many of whom purchased stolen tax discs on the black market.

the following extract was taken from the st albans observer ::A Sutton man who used a tax disc from another vehicle in his own car has been fined by Battersea magistrates. Gavin Blenkinsop, 36, of Welbeck Road, was stopped by police in Wandsworth last Wednesday. He pleased guilty to two charges of fraud on Friday and was fined a total of £250 with £55 costs.

and he was fined still using the disc, the moral of the story, dont let the **** blackmail you, go round and kick the living shite outta this guy if he continues down this road, just deny all knowledge of his claims, you'll be safe man.
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all you need to say is you sold it with on tax, and stand by it. its his word to yours.

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Okay guyz cheers for the info'z. Will be sending a formal E-mail later :)

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and you didnt think to take the dodgy tax disc out first??? lol
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funny this topic should come up as i was only speaking to a friend last month about it, he has the same problem you have Ian, he sold his corsa with dodgy tax on it, he never knew because he had the car 5 months and it came with tax so he never checked, the forgery was good from a distance and lets be honest how often do we take a good look at the little disk ?? he came back from shopping only to see that there was a police officer/traffic warden hovering around his car, he ran towards them and the cop said is this your car, he said yes and the cop said well i would like to see that tax disk please, my mate still doesent realise what is going on and hands it to him, to cut along story short he has a court hearing for tax fraud in october and suspects he will get off with a £500 fine despite the fact it was there when he bought the car, they contacted the previous owner and they said they had no idea, it was legitimatly taxed before (typical)

moral of the story, ian you are a thief for useing fake tax and knowing about it, i pay mine every year and i don't see why you shouldent, afterall you use the road as well !!!

and they guy should have checked, but if you claimed it was taxed and you knew it was a fake then surley your morals kick in right about now...don't they ??

everybody expects to find a few scratches a few rips and tears in the upholstry or something when they buy a second hand car, nothing is perfect but you sold him a car he could get arrested for and get a criminal record if i were him i would be livid i really would, you put him in a situation i would not like to be in.
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think you should give him the money as its not fair lying about the tax
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Bit out of order mate. You should at least give him the £80. You increased the value of your car by dodgy means and duped him into buying it. I wonder what would happen if the records were checked at DVLA and it was found that the car had not been taxed for say 1 year. As you only had the car 2 months you could not argue that the car was subject to a SORN decleration could you?? Might come back to bite you, is it worth it for £80?? I actually think you are the cheeky one not him, and as for bringing physical harm on him - you are lucky you didnt sell to some guys I know, they would extract at least £80 from you or your property.
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Ian, i think the moral high ground is the safest route here mate. The car was off the road for three years (not difficult to check up on), you had the car Taxed (albeit falsely) while it was yours, you sold it on knowing it was ******, and probably added to the value of the car by claiming it was taxed. Thus, both yours and the buyers insurance are void, and it could have been a lot worse than just £88 for 6 months tax. Fine, prison, new ring piece? Count yourself lucky that is all this guy wants.

Ok so he seems cheeky for caining the car and destroying the engine but i'm sure you could claim it was sold as seen. Just be relieved that someone has taken it off you and you are not being chased by either DVLA or the Cops.

Do the right thing while you have the chance.

give me ambiguity or give me something else
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These guys are all right unfortunately. The best thing for you do is pay him or you'll end up paying much much more.

And its true, what you did was a bit unfair, and immoral.

Paul Maks

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