Technical Securing Focus Induction Kit

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Technical Securing Focus Induction Kit

May 17, 2009
I have a focus induction kit on my 8v mk2. It's position behind the battery as i know others have done on here. When i put it on, it was just left to hang into the free space- it was causing no problems, but i decided to secure it with a cable tie, as i was worried about the strain on the u-bend silocone tube at the base of the kit. The tie is fastened around the stainless steel tube of the kit, and then through a small hole on the battery holder- this lifts it up relieving the strain at the base of the kit.

However, after doing so, the noise the kit gives doesn't seem to be quite so good, and less obvious. You dont really here it unless your at the top end of the revs.
Could this be as a result of fastening the kit with the cable tie, so it is more restricted (don't think it'll be able to move), or whether i've just got used to the sound.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
Didn't yours come with a cut n' bend to shape perforated bar?

Mine did and I elected not to use it. This resulted in -- eventually -- plug leads shorting out through the intake. Completely through me -- and FIAT -- until I started the car at night...........

Mine is on a Sei, but running a strap to support the filter end (fix it to one of the extra jubilee clips usually supplied) from the gearbox or the coil pack mount is strongly advised.
It might be restricted too much so the silicone hose has pulled off when the engine moves about on it mountings. It would be better attached to the block.

It's nowhere near the block. It's behind the battery holder, to the side nearest the windscreen.

Also, i'd have thought that if anything it would lessen the likelihood of the rubber hose being pulled off- the kit's now on a level rather than hanging down.

When it was loose, and the engine was revved, you could see the kit throbbing if you look- moving with the revs. It's not allowed to move any more- this is what i'm concerned might be stopping the kit from having the same effect. So basically, whether the movement, or ableness to move of the kit has any effect on sound.
It will move with the engine. Too much restriction at the filter end will risk damaged silicone hose. Letting it flap could be just as bad. A vibrating pipe wont flow as much air as one that's held firm. It will sound louder to passers-by if the filter intake is near the grille. It will be louder to passengers if its close to the firewall.