Styling scuffed alloys

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Styling scuffed alloys


New member
Jan 26, 2009
in a moment of tiredness after a rather ****y shift i managed to scuff my left front alloy (dont all gasp at once now) was just wondering if there is any way of making the scuff look...well... less scuffed??
You can get wheels refurbished professionally for about £50 , or you can buy DIY kits that won't do a perfect repair but will look fine from a metre or so away.

For a tenner or so I'd give one of them a try - plenty of Ebay sellers have them and I expect Halfords will do the same.
if only my bank balance allowed a we cheeky upgrade lol

yeah its the 2 tone 17"

ill have a look into getting them done proper cause they really do make the car

cheers for your help lads
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i have the same wheels and have done the same on mine imo just leave them mate if its not to bad
they are the best thing on the car mate and it annoys me that they are damaged but ill let use know how they get on
I say go to your local dealer and see if they will trade it in for a new one? I did that with my car before and i paid half price for the replacement wheel. Just throwing suggestions :)