mine sometimes won't go into reverse, if you lift the clutch and press it down again it will generally go in, if not let the handbrake off and let it roll a bit. Or rev it a bit whilst your trying to get it in. They all work for me!
How many miles has it done and do you have any trouble with other gears?
put it into a forward gear, then try reverse again.
Its a Fiat thing,
you get used to it!!!
My car has just started with the following problem - the very first time you start it in a morning it often crunches first gear, if you pop it into second then first (without even lifting the clutch) its fine. Another fiat thing?
This is totally a Bravo thing and all the guides warn of it (see the Parkers review). I personaly find that if it is struggling to go into reverse just by rocking forwards in the seat it moves the car enough for a smooth selection. Don't force it as it'll just get worse.
mine has done 34,000 miles, 2nd gear was a bit tricky when i first got the car about 6months ago, but it is fine now, i must say all other gears are smooth, its just now and then reverse is very tricky, but i will try all those tips, thanks guys
Its VERY hilly round here, with many blind bends. You sometimes have to go down into first if you have a few people onboard. I dont usually select 1st when slowing down, only after i have come to a full stop.