General Removing old 4x4 decals

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General Removing old 4x4 decals

Mar 8, 2004
Does anyone have a good method of doing this? I'm doing a bit of paintwork on the Panda, and want to get rid of the old stickers, they're really faded and cracked up. But they are an absolute a**e to shift... have tried various solvents and heat, none of which really work. Is the only way actually to sand back to almost bare metal?

I'll try and put a thread up on the progress when I get round to it!
I've got similar issue on the van - cracked and old stripes that are well and truly stuck on. After 3 kettlefuls of boiling water I gave up and resorted to a scraper blade (the razor blade type with solid backing on non-cutting edge)
These may work for you okay as you are looking to repaint? Or maybe any light scratches will tcut out? May be better than sanding..?
I've heard that a heat gun (paint stripper) can be used but I haven't got one now so can't try it.
I'd like to know of something that could be painted on that helps to soften them...
good luck with this
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I was shown something in a paint shop that they use to remove decals with out probs or damage..

It fits onto the end of a drill and is made of a type of rubber/felt...lots of flaps of this material...its hard to explain but if you visit a car paint garage im sure they will show you what i mean. You can get them at good motor factors i was told...

Good luck..

the best way is by using tar and glue remover autoglym do one called intensive tar remover give it a good wipe with that then use a razor blade to lift the edge and pull it off, if the car has been painted before though it has been known for them to have been painted over with clear coat.
Cheers all, tried loads of things, and they're still rock hard, so I've resorted to scraping them off with a chisel..... damn slow job, but tar cleaner seems to get the remaining gunk off reasonably well. Looks like it'll probably take a couple of hours per side though, so I'll do it in small chunks to preserve what sanity I have left!